Version 0.22 (August 4, 2023)#
Cartopy v0.22 is a major step forward in the project’s development. The
requirement to install with local PROJ and GEOS libraries has been
removed. The previous C PROJ library calls have been replaced by pyproj
and the C GEOS calls have been replaced by shapely. This means that
Cartopy can now be installed with a simple pip install cartopy
For a full list of included Pull Requests and closed Issues, please see the 0.22 milestone.
Matthias Cuntz updated the OGC reader to handle EPSG projections. (PR #2191)
Greg Lucas added the ability to build wheels for the project and move towards new Python packaging standards. (PR #2197)
Elliott Sales de Andrade removed the GEOS dependency and replaced it with shapely and Greg Lucas added some additional speedups in the geometry transforms. (PR #2080)
Ruth Comer added the ability to use RGB(A) color arrays with pcolormesh and updated the code to work with Matplotlib version 3.8. (PR #2166)
Dan Hirst updated the Ordnance Survey image tiles to use the new OS API. (PR #2105)
Martin Yeo added the Oblique Mercator projection. (PR #2096)
Elliott Sales de Andrade added the Aitoff and Hammer projections. (PR #1249)