.. _cartopy_developer_interfaces: The cartopy Feature interface with matplotlib ============================================= .. currentmodule:: cartopy.feature .. autoclass:: Feature :members: :undoc-members: --------- Specific Feature subclasses have been defined for common functionality, such as accessing Natural Earth or GSHHS shapefiles. .. autoclass:: ShapelyFeature .. autoclass:: NaturalEarthFeature .. autoclass:: GSHHSFeature ---------- To simplify some very common cases, some pre-defined Features exist as :mod:`cartopy.feature` constants. The pre-defined Features are all small-scale (1:110m) `Natural Earth `_ datasets, and can be added with methods such as :func:`GeoAxes.add_feature `: ======================================= ================================================== Name Description ======================================= ================================================== .. py:data:: cartopy.feature.BORDERS Country boundaries. .. py:data:: cartopy.feature.COASTLINE Coastline, including major islands. .. py:data:: cartopy.feature.LAKES Natural and artificial lakes. .. py:data:: cartopy.feature.LAND Land polygons, including major islands. .. py:data:: cartopy.feature.OCEAN Ocean polygons. .. py:data:: cartopy.feature.RIVERS Single-line drainages, including lake centerlines. ======================================= ================================================== .. note:: Any Natural Earth dataset can easily be used by creating an instance of :class:`cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature`. For example:: import cartopy.feature as cfeature land_50m = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'land', '50m', edgecolor='face', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['land']) A dictionary of some useful colors for drawing features also exists: .. autodata:: COLORS For a full list of names in this dictionary: >>> import cartopy.feature >>> sorted(cartopy.feature.COLORS.keys()) ['land', 'land_alt1', 'water'] ------------ Example of using the Feature class with the matplotlib interface ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: /examples/feature_creation.py .. plot:: examples/feature_creation.py