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What’s new in Cartopy 0.7

Date:21 Mar 2013

This is a quick release which targets two very specific requirements. The goals outlined in the development plan at v0.6 still remain the primary target for v0.8 and beyond.

What’s new in Cartopy 0.6

Date:19 Feb 2013
  • Patrick Peglar added the ability to draw ticks for some limited projections when using the gridlines() method on an Axes.
  • Phil Elson and Carwyn Pelley extended the cartopy documentation to include new tutorials such as Using the cartopy shapereader.
  • Ian Edwards added a new example to create a favicon for cartopy.
  • Phil Elson added a new example to show polygon analysis and visualisation with Shapely and Cartopy.
  • Edward Campbell added a new projection for UTM zone 32.
  • Andrew Dawson added a central_longitude keyword for the Stereographic family of projections.
  • Phil Elson added a Downloader class which allows automatic downloading of shapefiles (currently from Natural Earth and GSHHS). The extension requires no user action and can be configured via the cartopy.config dictionary.

Development plans for Cartopy 0.7 and beyond

  • Improve the projection definitions to support better control over datum definitions and consider adding WKT support (ticket).
  • Begin work on vector field support (barbs, quiver, streamlines etc.).
  • Continue identifying and implementing performance enhancements (particularly in contour drawing).
  • Extend the number of projections for which it is possible to draw tick marks.

What’s new in Cartopy 0.5

Date:7 Dec 2012

This document explains the new/changed features of Cartopy in version 0.5.

Release 0.5 of Cartopy continues the work to expand the feature-set of Cartopy to encompass common operations, and provide performance improvements.

Cartopy 0.5 features

A summary of the main features added with version 0.5:

  • An improved feature API to support future expansion and sophistication, and a wider range of pre-defined Natural Earth datasets.

Incompatible changes



  • The method Axes.natural_earth_shp() has been replaced by the method Axes.add_feature() and the cartopy.feature module.

Feature API

A new features api is now available, see Using the cartopy shapereader.

import cartopy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def main():

    ax = plt.axes(

    ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle=':')
    ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAKES, alpha=0.5)

    ax.set_extent([-20, 60, -40, 40])

if __name__ == '__main__':

(Source code)
