Version 0.6 (February 19, 2013) =============================== Features -------- * Patrick Peglar added the ability to draw ticks for some limited projections when using the :py:func:`~cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes.gridlines` method on an Axes. * Phil Elson and Carwyn Pelley extended the cartopy documentation to include new tutorials such as :ref:`using_the_shapereader`. * Ian Edwards :doc:`added a new example <../gallery/miscellanea/favicon>` to create a favicon for cartopy. * Phil Elson :doc:`added a new example <../gallery/lines_and_polygons/hurricane_katrina>` to show polygon analysis and visualisation with Shapely and cartopy. * Edward Campbell added a new :py:class:`` projection for UTM zone 32. * Andrew Dawson added a ``central_longitude`` keyword for the Stereographic family of projections. * Phil Elson added a :py:class:`` class which allows automatic downloading of shapefiles (currently from Natural Earth and GSHHS). The extension requires no user action and can be configured via the :data:`cartopy.config` dictionary. * Development plans for cartopy 0.7 and beyond * Improve the projection definitions to support better control over datum definitions and consider adding WKT support (:issue:`ticket <153>`). * Begin work on vector field support (barbs, quiver, streamlines etc.). * Continue identifying and implementing performance enhancements (particularly in contour drawing). * Extend the number of projections for which it is possible to draw tick marks.