Source code for cartopy.mpl.gridliner

# (C) British Crown Copyright 2011 - 2016, Met Office
# This file is part of cartopy.
# cartopy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# cartopy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with cartopy.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.collections as mcollections
import matplotlib.text as mtext
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.transforms as mtrans
import numpy as np
import six

import cartopy
from import Projection, _RectangularProjection

degree_locator = mticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=9, steps=[1, 2, 3, 6, 15, 18])

_DEGREE_SYMBOL = u'\u00B0'

def _fix_lons(lons):
    Fix the given longitudes into the range ``[-180, 180]``.

    lons = np.array(lons, copy=False, ndmin=1)
    fixed_lons = ((lons + 180) % 360) - 180
    # Make the positive 180s positive again.
    fixed_lons[(fixed_lons == -180) & (lons > 0)] *= -1
    return fixed_lons

def _lon_heimisphere(longitude):
    """Return the hemisphere (E, W or '' for 0) for the given longitude."""
    longitude = _fix_lons(longitude)
    if longitude > 0:
        hemisphere = 'E'
    elif longitude < 0:
        hemisphere = 'W'
        hemisphere = ''
    return hemisphere

def _lat_heimisphere(latitude):
    """Return the hemisphere (N, S or '' for 0) for the given latitude."""
    if latitude > 0:
        hemisphere = 'N'
    elif latitude < 0:
        hemisphere = 'S'
        hemisphere = ''
    return hemisphere

def _east_west_formatted(longitude, num_format='g'):
    fmt_string = u'{longitude:{num_format}}{degree}{hemisphere}'
    return fmt_string.format(longitude=abs(longitude), num_format=num_format,

def _north_south_formatted(latitude, num_format='g'):
    fmt_string = u'{latitude:{num_format}}{degree}{hemisphere}'
    return fmt_string.format(latitude=abs(latitude), num_format=num_format,

#: A formatter which turns longitude values into nice longitudes such as 110W
LONGITUDE_FORMATTER = mticker.FuncFormatter(lambda v, pos:
#: A formatter which turns longitude values into nice longitudes such as 45S
LATITUDE_FORMATTER = mticker.FuncFormatter(lambda v, pos:

[docs]class Gridliner(object): # NOTE: In future, one of these objects will be add-able to a GeoAxes (and # maybe even a plain old mpl axes) and it will call the "_draw_gridliner" # method on draw. This will enable automatic gridline resolution # determination on zoom/pan. def __init__(self, axes, crs, draw_labels=False, xlocator=None, ylocator=None, collection_kwargs=None): """ Object used by :meth:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes.gridlines` to add gridlines and tick labels to a map. Args: * axes The :class:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes` object to be drawn on. * crs The :class:`` defining the coordinate system that the gridlines are drawn in. * draw_labels Toggle whether to draw labels. For finer control, attributes of :class:`Gridliner` may be modified individually. * xlocator A :class:`matplotlib.ticker.Locator` instance which will be used to determine the locations of the gridlines in the x-coordinate of the given CRS. Defaults to None, which implies automatic locating of the gridlines. * ylocator A :class:`matplotlib.ticker.Locator` instance which will be used to determine the locations of the gridlines in the y-coordinate of the given CRS. Defaults to None, which implies automatic locating of the gridlines. * collection_kwargs Dictionary controlling line properties, passed to :class:`matplotlib.collections.Collection`. """ self.axes = axes #: The :class:`~matplotlib.ticker.Locator` to use for the x #: gridlines and labels. self.xlocator = xlocator or degree_locator #: The :class:`~matplotlib.ticker.Locator` to use for the y #: gridlines and labels. self.ylocator = ylocator or degree_locator #: The :class:`~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` to use for the x labels. self.xformatter = mticker.ScalarFormatter() self.xformatter.create_dummy_axis() #: The :class:`~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` to use for the y labels. self.yformatter = mticker.ScalarFormatter() self.yformatter.create_dummy_axis() #: Whether to draw labels on the top of the map. self.xlabels_top = draw_labels #: Whether to draw labels on the bottom of the map. self.xlabels_bottom = draw_labels #: Whether to draw labels on the left hand side of the map. self.ylabels_left = draw_labels #: Whether to draw labels on the right hand side of the map. self.ylabels_right = draw_labels #: Whether to draw the x gridlines. self.xlines = True #: Whether to draw the y gridlines. self.ylines = True #: A dictionary passed through to ``ax.text`` on x label creation #: for styling of the text labels. self.xlabel_style = {} #: A dictionary passed through to ``ax.text`` on y label creation #: for styling of the text labels. self.ylabel_style = {} = crs # if the user specifies tick labels at this point, check if they can # be drawn. The same check will take place at draw time in case # public attributes are changed after instantiation. if draw_labels: self._assert_can_draw_ticks() #: The number of interpolation points which are used to draw the #: gridlines. self.n_steps = 30 #: A dictionary passed through to #: ``matplotlib.collections.LineCollection`` on grid line creation. self.collection_kwargs = collection_kwargs #: The x gridlines which were created at draw time. self.xline_artists = [] #: The y gridlines which were created at draw time. self.yline_artists = [] #: The x labels which were created at draw time. self.xlabel_artists = [] #: The y labels which were created at draw time. self.ylabel_artists = [] def _crs_transform(self): """ Get the drawing transform for our gridlines. .. note:: this depends on the transform of our 'axes', so it may change dynamically. """ transform = if not isinstance(transform, mtrans.Transform): transform = transform._as_mpl_transform(self.axes) return transform def _add_gridline_label(self, value, axis, upper_end): """ Create a Text artist on our axes for a gridline label. Args: * value Coordinate value of this gridline. The text contains this value, and is positioned centred at that point. * axis which axis the label is on: 'x' or 'y'. * upper_end If True, place at the maximum of the "other" coordinate (Axes coordinate == 1.0). Else 'lower' end (Axes coord = 0.0). """ transform = self._crs_transform() shift_dist_points = 5 # A margin from the map edge. if upper_end is False: shift_dist_points = -shift_dist_points if axis == 'x': x = value y = 1.0 if upper_end else 0.0 h_align = 'center' v_align = 'bottom' if upper_end else 'top' tr_x = transform tr_y = self.axes.transAxes + \ mtrans.ScaledTranslation( 0.0, shift_dist_points * (1.0 / 72), self.axes.figure.dpi_scale_trans) str_value = self.xformatter(value) user_label_style = self.xlabel_style elif axis == 'y': y = value x = 1.0 if upper_end else 0.0 v_align = 'center' h_align = 'left' if upper_end else 'right' tr_y = transform tr_x = self.axes.transAxes + \ mtrans.ScaledTranslation( shift_dist_points * (1.0 / 72), 0.0, self.axes.figure.dpi_scale_trans) str_value = self.yformatter(value) user_label_style = self.ylabel_style else: raise ValueError( "Unknown axis, {!r}, must be either 'x' or 'y'".format(axis)) # Make a 'blended' transform for label text positioning. # One coord is geographic, and the other a plain Axes # coordinate with an appropriate offset. label_transform = mtrans.blended_transform_factory( x_transform=tr_x, y_transform=tr_y) label_style = {'verticalalignment': v_align, 'horizontalalignment': h_align, } label_style.update(user_label_style) # Create and add a Text artist with these properties text_artist = mtext.Text(x, y, str_value, clip_on=False, transform=label_transform, **label_style) if axis == 'x': self.xlabel_artists.append(text_artist) elif axis == 'y': self.ylabel_artists.append(text_artist) self.axes.add_artist(text_artist) def _draw_gridliner(self, nx=None, ny=None, background_patch=None): """Create Artists for all visible elements and add to our Axes.""" x_lim, y_lim = self._axes_domain(nx=nx, ny=ny, background_patch=background_patch) transform = self._crs_transform() rc_params = matplotlib.rcParams n_steps = self.n_steps x_ticks = self.xlocator.tick_values(x_lim[0], x_lim[1]) y_ticks = self.ylocator.tick_values(y_lim[0], y_lim[1]) # XXX this bit is cartopy specific. (for circular longitudes) # Purpose: omit plotting the last x line, as it may overlap the first. x_gridline_points = x_ticks[:] crs = if (isinstance(crs, Projection) and isinstance(crs, _RectangularProjection) and abs(np.diff(x_lim)) == abs(np.diff(crs.x_limits))): x_gridline_points = x_gridline_points[:-1] collection_kwargs = self.collection_kwargs if collection_kwargs is None: collection_kwargs = {} collection_kwargs = collection_kwargs.copy() collection_kwargs['transform'] = transform # XXX doesn't gracefully handle lw vs linewidth aliases... collection_kwargs.setdefault('color', rc_params['grid.color']) collection_kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', rc_params['grid.linestyle']) collection_kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', rc_params['grid.linewidth']) if self.xlines: lines = [] for x in x_gridline_points: l = list(zip(np.zeros(n_steps) + x, np.linspace(min(y_ticks), max(y_ticks), n_steps))) lines.append(l) x_lc = mcollections.LineCollection(lines, **collection_kwargs) self.xline_artists.append(x_lc) self.axes.add_collection(x_lc, autolim=False) if self.ylines: lines = [] for y in y_ticks: l = list(zip(np.linspace(min(x_ticks), max(x_ticks), n_steps), np.zeros(n_steps) + y)) lines.append(l) y_lc = mcollections.LineCollection(lines, **collection_kwargs) self.yline_artists.append(y_lc) self.axes.add_collection(y_lc, autolim=False) ################# # Label drawing # ################# # Trim outside-area points from the label coords. # Tickers may round *up* the desired range to something tidy, not # all of which is necessarily visible. We must be stricter with # our texts, as they are drawn *without clipping*. x_label_points = [x for x in x_ticks if x_lim[0] <= x <= x_lim[1]] y_label_points = [y for y in y_ticks if y_lim[0] <= y <= y_lim[1]] if self.xlabels_bottom or self.xlabels_top: self._assert_can_draw_ticks() self.xformatter.set_locs(x_label_points) for x in x_label_points: if self.xlabels_bottom: self._add_gridline_label(x, axis='x', upper_end=False) if self.xlabels_top: self._add_gridline_label(x, axis='x', upper_end=True) if self.ylabels_left or self.ylabels_right: self._assert_can_draw_ticks() self.yformatter.set_locs(y_label_points) for y in y_label_points: if self.ylabels_left: self._add_gridline_label(y, axis='y', upper_end=False) if self.ylabels_right: self._add_gridline_label(y, axis='y', upper_end=True) def _assert_can_draw_ticks(self): """ Check to see if ticks can be drawn. Either returns True or raises an exception. """ # Check labelling is supported, currently a limited set of options. if not isinstance(, raise TypeError('Cannot label {crs.__class__.__name__} gridlines.' ' Only PlateCarree gridlines are currently ' 'supported.'.format( if not isinstance(self.axes.projection, (, raise TypeError('Cannot label gridlines on a ' '{prj.__class__.__name__} plot. Only PlateCarree' ' and Mercator plots are currently ' 'supported.'.format(prj=self.axes.projection)) return True def _axes_domain(self, nx=None, ny=None, background_patch=None): """Returns x_range, y_range""" DEBUG = False transform = self._crs_transform() ax_transform = self.axes.transAxes desired_trans = ax_transform - transform nx = nx or 30 ny = ny or 30 x = np.linspace(1e-9, 1 - 1e-9, nx) y = np.linspace(1e-9, 1 - 1e-9, ny) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) coords = np.concatenate([x.flatten()[:, None], y.flatten()[:, None]], 1) in_data = desired_trans.transform(coords) ax_to_bkg_patch = self.axes.transAxes - \ background_patch.get_transform() ok = np.zeros(in_data.shape[:-1], dtype=np.bool) # XXX Vectorise contains_point for i, val in enumerate(in_data): # convert the coordinates of the data to the background # patches coordinates background_coord = ax_to_bkg_patch.transform(coords[i:i + 1, :]) bkg_patch_contains = background_patch.get_path().contains_point if bkg_patch_contains(background_coord[0, :]): color = 'r' ok[i] = True else: color = 'b' if DEBUG: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], 'o' + color, clip_on=False, transform=ax_transform) # plt.text(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], str(val), clip_on=False, # transform=ax_transform, rotation=23, # horizontalalignment='right') inside = in_data[ok, :] # If there were no data points in the axes we just use the x and y # range of the projection. if inside.size == 0: x_range = y_range = else: x_range = np.nanmin(inside[:, 0]), np.nanmax(inside[:, 0]) y_range = np.nanmin(inside[:, 1]), np.nanmax(inside[:, 1]) # XXX Cartopy specific thing. Perhaps make this bit a specialisation # in a subclass... crs = if isinstance(crs, Projection): x_range = np.clip(x_range, *crs.x_limits) y_range = np.clip(y_range, *crs.y_limits) # if the limit is >90% of the full x limit, then just use the full # x limit (this makes circular handling better) prct = np.abs(np.diff(x_range) / np.diff(crs.x_limits)) if prct > 0.9: x_range = crs.x_limits return x_range, y_range