.. _api.io: .. currentmodule:: cartopy.io Input/output capabilities (cartopy.io) -------------------------------------- Cartopy has many built-in image and map acquisition capabilities. These capabilities allow the maps to be loaded, saved, and retrieved in various data formats. .. _api.io.shapereader: Shapefiles ~~~~~~~~~~ Cartopy provides a basic interface for accessing shapefiles. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ shapereader.Reader shapereader.BasicReader shapereader.Record shapereader.natural_earth shapereader.NEShpDownloader shapereader.gshhs shapereader.GSHHSShpDownloader Image collections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ img_nest.Img img_nest.ImageCollection img_nest.NestedImageCollection Image tiles ~~~~~~~~~~~ These classes provide an interface to the respective tile resources to automatically load the proper tile and resolution depending on the desired domain. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ img_tiles.OSM img_tiles.GoogleTiles img_tiles.GoogleWTS img_tiles.MapQuestOSM img_tiles.MapQuestOpenAerial img_tiles.MapboxStyleTiles img_tiles.MapboxTiles img_tiles.OrdnanceSurvey img_tiles.QuadtreeTiles img_tiles.Stamen Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are several classes to enable interfacing with OGC clients. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ ogc_clients.WFSGeometrySource ogc_clients.WMSRasterSource ogc_clients.WMTSRasterSource Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The SRTM data can be accessed through the :mod:`cartopy.io.srtm` module using classes and functions defined below. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :recursive: srtm.SRTM1Source srtm.SRTM3Source srtm.SRTMDownloader srtm.read_SRTM srtm.read_SRTM1 srtm.read_SRTM3 srtm.add_shading Base classes and functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the base classes that new resources can leverage to implement a new reader or tile client. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ Downloader DownloadWarning LocatedImage RasterSource RasterSourceContainer PostprocessedRasterSource fh_getter