Version 0.10 (January 17, 2014) =============================== We are very pleased to announce that Andrew Dawson was added to the cartopy core development team. In this release Andrew has single-handedly implemented comprehensive vector transformation and visualisation capabilities, including: * The ability to transform vector fields between different coordinate reference systems via the :meth:`` CRS method. * :meth:`GeoAxes.quiver ` and :meth:`GeoAxes.barbs ` for arrow and barb plotting. More information is available at :ref:`vector_plotting`. * A regridding function for "regularising" a vector field in the target coordinate system. See also :func:`cartopy.vector_transform.vector_scalar_to_grid`. Both :meth:`~cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes.quiver` and :meth:`~cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes.barbs` accept the ``regrid_shape`` keyword to trigger this behaviour automatically. * :meth:`GeoAxes.streamplot ` adds the ability to draw streamlines in any projection from a vector field in any other projection. .. figure:: ../gallery/vector_data/images/sphx_glr_barbs_001.png :target: ../gallery/vector_data/barbs.html :align: center :scale: 70