Version 0.9 (September 12, 2013)
* We are very pleased to announce that Bill Little was added to the cartopy
core development team. Bill has made some excellent contributions to cartopy,
and `his presentation at EuroScipy'13 on
"Iris & Cartopy" `_
was voted best talk of the conference.
* Other talks and tutorials during this release cycle include Phil Elson's `talk at SciPy'13
(with video) `_,
`Thomas Lecocq's tutorial at EuroSciPy
and a forthcoming `talk at FOSS4G `_.
* Christoph Gohlke updated cartopy to support Windows 7.
* The Plate Carree projection was updated to fully handle arbitrary globe definitions.
* Peter Killick updated the Mercator class' default globe to WGS84. His refactor paved the way
for some follow on work to fully implement the Google Spherical Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection.
.. figure:: ../gallery/scalar_data/images/sphx_glr_eyja_volcano_001.png
:target: ../gallery/scalar_data/eyja_volcano.html
:align: center
:scale: 70
* The TransverseMercator class saw a tidy up to include several common arguments (:pull:`pull request <309>`)
* Bill Little added the Geostationary projection to allow geolocation of satellite imagery.
.. figure:: ../gallery/scalar_data/images/sphx_glr_geostationary_001.png
:target: ../gallery/scalar_data/geostationary.html
:align: center
:scale: 70
* Byron Blay added the :class:`Lambert conformal conic projection `.