
Conda pre-built binaries#

The easiest way to install Cartopy is by using Conda. If conda is already installed, installation is as easy as:

conda install -c conda-forge cartopy

Other pre-built binaries#

Additional pre-built binaries can be found at a variety of sources, including:

Building from source#

Before building Cartopy from source, you need to first install the required dependencies listed below. Once these are installed, Cartopy can be installed using the pip installer:

pip install cartopy

To instead install the most recent version found on the GitHub main branch, use:

pip install git+

Alternatively, you can clone the git repo on your computer and install manually using the file:

git clone
cd cartopy
# Uncomment the following to specify non-standard include and library paths
# python build_ext -I/path/to/include -L/path/to/lib
python install

Required dependencies#

In order to install Cartopy, or to access its basic functionality, it will be necessary to first install GEOS, Shapely, and pyshp. Many of these packages can be installed using pip or other package managers such as apt-get (Linux) and brew (macOS). Many of these dependencies are built as part of Cartopy’s conda distribution, and the recipes for these packages can be found at

We include a conda environment file that contains a list of all the dependencies required to build and install cartopy, which can be used to install pre-built binaries of all the dependencies on your local system. To use it:

git clone
cd cartopy
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cartopy-dev
pip install -e .

You can also use your system’s package manager to install the dependencies.

Ubuntu / Debian#

On Debian, you can install the required system libraries using the system package manager:

sudo apt -y install libgeos-dev

Then you can proceed to install cartopy using a python package manager:

pip3 install cartopy


For macOS, the required dependencies can be installed in the following way:

brew install geos
pip3 install --upgrade pyshp
# shapely needs to be built from source to link to geos. If it is already
# installed, uninstall it by: pip3 uninstall shapely
pip3 install "shapely<2" --no-binary shapely

Still on macOS, make sure you have installed pkg-config and set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable as follows:

brew install pkg-config
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/bin/pkgconfig

Then you can install cartopy using:

pip3 install cartopy


If you are installing dependencies with a package manager on Linux, you may need to install the development packages (look for a “-dev” or “-devel” suffix) in addition to the core packages.

Further information about the required dependencies can be found here:

Python 3.8 or later (

Python 2 support was removed in v0.19.

Matplotlib 3.2 or later (

Python package for 2D plotting. Python package required for any graphical capabilities.

GEOS 3.7.2 or later (

GEOS is an API of spatial predicates and functions for processing geometry written in C++.

Shapely between 1.6.4 and 1.8.4 (

Python package for the manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects.

pyshp 2.1 or later (

Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format.

pyproj 3.0.0 or later (

Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library).

Optional Dependencies#

To make the most of Cartopy by enabling additional functionality, you may want to install these optional dependencies.

GDAL version 2.3.2 (

GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats, which has powerful data transformation and processing capabilities.

Pillow 6.1.0 or later (

A popular fork of PythonImagingLibrary.

pykdtree 1.2.2 or later (

A fast kd-tree implementation that is used for faster warping of images than SciPy.

SciPy 1.3.1 or later (

A Python package for scientific computing.

OWSLib 0.18 (

A Python package for client programming with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service, and which gives access to Cartopy ogc clients.

Fiona 1.0 or later (

A Python package for reading shapefiles that is faster than pyshp.

Testing Dependencies#

These packages are required for the full Cartopy test suite to run.

pytest 5.1.2 or later (

Python package for software testing.

pytest-mpl 0.11 or later (

Pytest plugin to faciliate image comparison for Matplotlib figures

pep8 1.3.3 or later (

Python package for software testing.