.. _api.crs: Coordinate reference systems (CRS) ---------------------------------- .. module:: cartopy.crs The :class:`cartopy.crs.CRS` class is the very core of cartopy, all coordinate reference systems in cartopy have :class:`~cartopy.crs.CRS` as a parent class. Base CRS's ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :template: autosummary/class_without_inherited.rst CRS Globe Projection Geodetic Geocentric RotatedGeodetic epsg .. _api.geodesic: Geodesic calculations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. module:: cartopy.geodesic The :mod:`cartopy.geodesic` module defines the :class:`cartopy.geodesic.Geodesic` class which can interface with the Proj geodesic functions. See the `Proj geodesic page`_ for more background information. .. _Proj geodesic page: https://proj.org/geodesic.html .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ Geodesic List of projections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 projections