.. _api.feature: Feature interface (cartopy.feature) ----------------------------------- .. module:: cartopy.feature The feature interface can be used and extended to add various "features" to geoaxes, such as Shapely objects and Natural Earth Imagery. The default zorder for Cartopy features is 1.5, which puts them above images and patches, but below lines and text. Feature attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some commonly used features are stored as attributes in the feature module for ease of use. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ COLORS auto_scaler BORDERS STATES COASTLINE LAKES LAND OCEAN RIVERS Feature classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ AdaptiveScaler Feature GSHHSFeature NaturalEarthFeature Scaler ShapelyFeature WFSFeature nightshade.Nightshade