
Source code for

# (C) British Crown Copyright 2011 - 2012, Met Office
# This file is part of cartopy.
# cartopy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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# (at your option) any later version.
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The crs module defines Coordinate Reference Systems and the transformations
between them.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
import math
import warnings

import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
from shapely.geometry.polygon import LinearRing
from shapely.prepared import prep

from cartopy._crs import CRS, Geocentric, Geodetic, Globe, PROJ4_RELEASE
import cartopy.trace

__document_these__ = ['CRS', 'Geocentric', 'Geodetic', 'Globe']

[docs]class RotatedGeodetic(CRS): """ Defines a rotated latitude/longitude coordinate system with spherical topology and geographical distance. Coordinates are measured in degrees. """ def __init__(self, pole_longitude, pole_latitude, globe=None): """ Create a RotatedGeodetic CRS. Args: * pole_longitude - Pole longitude position, in unrotated degrees. * pole_latitude - Pole latitude position, in unrotated degrees. Kwargs: * globe - An optional :class:``. Defaults to a "WGS84" datum. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'ob_tran'), ('o_proj', 'latlon'), ('o_lon_p', 0), ('o_lat_p', pole_latitude), ('lon_0', 180 + pole_longitude), ('to_meter', math.radians(1))] globe = globe or Globe(datum='WGS84') super(RotatedGeodetic, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe)
[docs]class Projection(CRS): """ Defines a projected coordinate system with flat topology and Euclidean distance. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta _method_map = { 'Point': '_project_point', 'LineString': '_project_line_string', 'LinearRing': '_project_linear_ring', 'Polygon': '_project_polygon', 'MultiPoint': '_project_multipoint', 'MultiLineString': '_project_multiline', 'MultiPolygon': '_project_multipolygon', } @abstractproperty def boundary(self): pass @abstractproperty def threshold(self): pass @abstractproperty def x_limits(self): pass @abstractproperty def y_limits(self): pass @property def cw_boundary(self): try: boundary = self._cw_boundary except AttributeError: boundary = sgeom.LineString(self.boundary) self._cw_boundary = boundary return boundary @property def ccw_boundary(self): try: boundary = self._ccw_boundary except AttributeError: boundary = sgeom.LineString(list(self.boundary.coords)[::-1]) self._ccw_boundary = boundary return boundary @property def domain(self): try: domain = self._domain except AttributeError: domain = self._domain = sgeom.Polygon(self.boundary) return domain def _as_mpl_axes(self): import cartopy.mpl.geoaxes as geoaxes return geoaxes.GeoAxes, {'map_projection': self}
[docs] def project_geometry(self, geometry, src_crs=None): """ Projects the given geometry into this projection. :param geometry: The geometry to (re-)project. :param src_crs: The source CRS, or geodetic CRS if None. :rtype: Shapely geometry. If src_crs is None, the source CRS is assumed to be a geodetic version of the target CRS. """ if src_crs is None: src_crs = self.as_geodetic() elif not isinstance(src_crs, CRS): raise TypeError('Source CRS must be an instance of CRS' ' or one of its subclasses, or None.') geom_type = geometry.geom_type method_name = self._method_map.get(geom_type) if not method_name: raise ValueError('Unsupported geometry ' 'type {!r}'.format(geom_type)) return getattr(self, method_name)(geometry, src_crs)
def _project_point(self, point, src_crs): return sgeom.Point(*self.transform_point(point.x, point.y, src_crs)) def _project_line_string(self, geometry, src_crs): return cartopy.trace.project_linear(geometry, src_crs, self) def _project_linear_ring(self, linear_ring, src_crs): """ Projects the given LinearRing from the src_crs into this CRS and returns the resultant LinearRing or MultiLineString. """ # 1) Resolve the initial lines into projected segments # 1abc # def23ghi # jkl41 multi_line_string = cartopy.trace.project_linear(linear_ring, src_crs, self) # 2) Simplify the segments where appropriate. if len(multi_line_string) > 1: # Stitch together segments which are close to continuous. # This is important when: # 1) The first source point projects into the map and the # ring has been cut by the boundary. # Continuing the example from above this gives: # def23ghi # jkl41abc # 2) The cut ends of segments are too close to reliably # place into an order along the boundary. # Threshold for whether a point is close enough to be the same # point as another. threshold = max(np.abs(self.x_limits + self.y_limits)) * 1e-5 line_strings = list(multi_line_string) any_modified = False i = 0 while i < len(line_strings): modified = False j = 0 while j < len(line_strings): if i != j and np.allclose(line_strings[i].coords[0], line_strings[j].coords[-1], atol=threshold): last_coords = list(line_strings[j].coords) first_coords = list(line_strings[i].coords)[1:] combo = sgeom.LineString(last_coords + first_coords) if j < i: i, j = j, i del line_strings[j], line_strings[i] line_strings.append(combo) modified = True any_modified = True break else: j += 1 if not modified: i += 1 if any_modified: multi_line_string = sgeom.MultiLineString(line_strings) # 3) Check for a single resulting ring. if (len(multi_line_string) == 1 and len(multi_line_string[0].coords) > 3 and np.allclose(multi_line_string[0].coords[0], multi_line_string[0].coords[-1])): result_geometry = LinearRing(multi_line_string[0].coords[:-1]) else: result_geometry = multi_line_string return result_geometry def _project_multipoint(self, geometry, src_crs): geoms = [] for geom in geometry.geoms: geoms.append(self._project_point(geom, src_crs)) if geoms: return sgeom.MultiPoint(geoms) else: return sgeom.MultiPoint() def _project_multiline(self, geometry, src_crs): geoms = [] for geom in geometry.geoms: r = self._project_line_string(geom, src_crs) if r: geoms.extend(r.geoms) if geoms: return sgeom.MultiLineString(geoms) else: return [] def _project_multipolygon(self, geometry, src_crs): geoms = [] for geom in geometry.geoms: r = self._project_polygon(geom, src_crs) if r: geoms.extend(r.geoms) if geoms: result = sgeom.MultiPolygon(geoms) else: result = sgeom.MultiPolygon() return result def _project_polygon(self, polygon, src_crs): """ Returns the projected polygon(s) derived from the given polygon. """ # Determine orientation of polygon. # TODO: Consider checking the internal rings have the opposite # orientation to the external rings? if src_crs.is_geodetic(): is_ccw = True else: is_ccw = polygon.exterior.is_ccw # Project the polygon exterior/interior rings. # Each source ring will result in either a ring, or one or more # lines. rings = [] multi_lines = [] for src_ring in [polygon.exterior] + list(polygon.interiors): geometry = self._project_linear_ring(src_ring, src_crs) if geometry.geom_type == 'LinearRing': rings.append(geometry) else: multi_lines.append(geometry) # Convert any lines to rings by attaching them to the boundary. if multi_lines: rings.extend(self._attach_lines_to_boundary(multi_lines, is_ccw)) # Resolve all the inside vs. outside rings, and convert to the # final MultiPolygon. return self._rings_to_multi_polygon(rings, is_ccw) def _attach_lines_to_boundary(self, multi_line_strings, is_ccw): """ Returns a list of LinearRings by attaching the ends of the given lines to the boundary, paying attention to the traversal directions of the lines and boundary. """ # Accumulate all the boundary and segment end points, along with # their distance along the boundary. edge_things = [] # Get the boundary as a LineString of the correct orientation # so we can compute distances along it. if is_ccw: boundary = self.ccw_boundary else: boundary = self.cw_boundary def boundary_distance(xy): return boundary.project(sgeom.Point(*xy)) # Squash all the LineStrings into a single list. line_strings = [] for multi_line_string in multi_line_strings: line_strings.extend(multi_line_string) # Record the positions of all the segment ends for i, line_string in enumerate(line_strings): first_dist = boundary_distance(line_string.coords[0]) thing = _Thing(first_dist, False, (i, 'first', line_string.coords[0])) edge_things.append(thing) last_dist = boundary_distance(line_string.coords[-1]) thing = _Thing(last_dist, False, (i, 'last', line_string.coords[-1])) edge_things.append(thing) # Record the positions of all the boundary vertices for xy in list(boundary.coords)[:-1]: point = sgeom.Point(*xy) dist = boundary.project(point) thing = _Thing(dist, True, point) edge_things.append(thing) # Order everything as if walking around the boundary. # NB. We make line end-points take precedence over boundary points # to ensure that end-points are still found and followed when they # coincide. edge_things.sort(key=lambda thing: (thing.distance, thing.kind)) debug = 0 if debug: print print 'Edge things' for thing in edge_things: print ' ', thing to_do = {i: line_string for i, line_string in enumerate(line_strings)} done = [] while to_do: i, line_string = to_do.popitem() if debug: import sys sys.stdout.write('+') sys.stdout.flush() print print 'Processing: %s, %s' % (i, line_string) filter_fn = lambda t: (t.kind or[0] != i or[1] != 'last') edge_things = filter(filter_fn, edge_things) added_linestring = set() while True: # Find the distance of the last point d_last = boundary_distance(line_string.coords[-1]) if debug: print ' d_last:', d_last next_thing = _find_gt(edge_things, d_last) if debug: print ' next_thing:', next_thing if next_thing.kind: if debug: print ' adding boundary point' boundary_point = combined_coords = (list(line_string.coords) + [(boundary_point.x, boundary_point.y)]) line_string = sgeom.LineString(combined_coords) # XXX #edge_things.remove(next_thing) elif[0] == i: if debug: print ' close loop' done.append(line_string) break else: if debug: print ' adding line' j =[0] line_to_append = line_strings[j] # XXX pelson: I think this if statement can be removed if j in to_do: del to_do[j] coords_to_append = list(line_to_append.coords) if[1] == 'last': coords_to_append = coords_to_append[::-1] line_string = sgeom.LineString((list(line_string.coords) + coords_to_append)) # Catch getting stuck in an infinite loop by checking that # linestring only added once if j not in added_linestring: added_linestring.add(j) else: raise RuntimeError('Unidentified problem with ' 'geometry, linestring being ' 're-added') # filter out any non-valid linear rings done = filter(lambda linear_ring: len(linear_ring.coords) > 2, done) # XXX Is the last point in each ring actually the same as the first? linear_rings = [LinearRing(line) for line in done] if debug: print ' DONE' return linear_rings def _rings_to_multi_polygon(self, rings, is_ccw): exterior_rings = [] interior_rings = [] for ring in rings: if ring.is_ccw != is_ccw: interior_rings.append(ring) else: exterior_rings.append(ring) polygon_bits = [] # Turn all the exterior rings into polygon definitions, # "slurping up" any interior rings they contain. for exterior_ring in exterior_rings: polygon = sgeom.Polygon(exterior_ring) prep_polygon = prep(polygon) holes = [] for interior_ring in interior_rings[:]: if prep_polygon.contains(interior_ring): holes.append(interior_ring) interior_rings.remove(interior_ring) polygon_bits.append((exterior_ring.coords, [ring.coords for ring in holes])) # Any left over "interior" rings need "inverting" with respect # to the boundary. if interior_rings: boundary_poly = self.domain x3, y3, x4, y4 = boundary_poly.bounds bx = (x4 - x3) * 0.1 by = (y4 - y3) * 0.1 x3 -= bx y3 -= by x4 += bx y4 += by for ring in interior_rings: polygon = sgeom.Polygon(ring) if polygon.is_valid: x1, y1, x2, y2 = polygon.bounds bx = (x2 - x1) * 0.1 by = (y2 - y1) * 0.1 x1 -= bx y1 -= by x2 += bx y2 += by box =, x3), min(y1, y3), max(x2, x4), max(y2, y4)) # Invert the polygon polygon = box.difference(polygon) # Intersect the inverted polygon with the boundary polygon = boundary_poly.intersection(polygon) if not polygon.is_empty: polygon_bits.append(polygon) if polygon_bits: multi_poly = sgeom.MultiPolygon(polygon_bits) else: multi_poly = sgeom.MultiPolygon() return multi_poly
[docs] def quick_vertices_transform(self, vertices, src_crs): """ Where possible, return a vertices array transformed to this CRS from the given vertices array of shape ``(n, 2)`` and the source CRS. .. important:: This method may return None to indicate that the vertices cannot be transformed quickly, and a more complex geometry transformation is required (see :meth:``). """ return_value = None if self == src_crs: x = vertices[:, 0] y = vertices[:, 1] x_limits = self.x_limits y_limits = self.y_limits if (x.min() >= x_limits[0] and x.max() <= x_limits[1] and y.min() >= y_limits[0] and y.max() <= y_limits[1]): return_value = vertices return return_value
class _RectangularProjection(Projection): """ The abstract superclass of projections with a rectangular domain which is symmetric about the origin. """ def __init__(self, proj4_params, half_width, half_height, globe=None): self._half_width = half_width self._half_height = half_height super(_RectangularProjection, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) @property def boundary(self): # XXX Should this be a LinearRing? w, h = self._half_width, self._half_height return sgeom.LineString([(-w, -h), (-w, h), (w, h), (w, -h), (-w, -h)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (-self._half_width, self._half_width) @property def y_limits(self): return (-self._half_height, self._half_height) class _CylindricalProjection(_RectangularProjection): """ The abstract class which denotes cylindrical projections where we want to allow x values to wrap around. """
[docs]class PlateCarree(_CylindricalProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'eqc'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=math.degrees(1)) x_max = math.radians(globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) * 180 y_max = math.radians(globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) * 90 # Set the threshold around 0.5 if the x max is 180. self._threshold = x_max / 360. super(PlateCarree, self).__init__(proj4_params, x_max, y_max, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold def _bbox_and_offset(self, other_plate_carree): """ Returns a pair of (xmin, xmax) pairs and an offset which can be used for identification of whether data in ``other_plate_carree`` needs to be transformed to wrap appropriately. >>> import as ccrs >>> src = ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=10) >>> bboxes, offset = ccrs.PlateCarree()._bbox_and_offset(src) >>> print bboxes [[-180.0, -170.0], [-170.0, 180.0]] >>> print offset 10.0 The returned values are longitudes in ``other_plate_carree``'s coordinate system. .. important:: The two CRSs must be identical in every way, other than their central longitudes. No checking of this is done. """ self_lon_0 = self.proj4_params['lon_0'] other_lon_0 = other_plate_carree.proj4_params['lon_0'] lon_0_offset = other_lon_0 - self_lon_0 lon_lower_bound_0 = self.x_limits[0] lon_lower_bound_1 = (other_plate_carree.x_limits[0] + lon_0_offset) if lon_lower_bound_1 < self.x_limits[0]: lon_lower_bound_1 += np.diff(self.x_limits)[0] lon_lower_bound_0, lon_lower_bound_1 = sorted( [lon_lower_bound_0, lon_lower_bound_1]) bbox = [[lon_lower_bound_0, lon_lower_bound_1], [lon_lower_bound_1, lon_lower_bound_0]] bbox[1][1] += np.diff(self.x_limits)[0] return bbox, lon_0_offset def quick_vertices_transform(self, vertices, src_crs): return_value = super(PlateCarree, self).quick_vertices_transform(vertices, src_crs) # Optimise the PlateCarree -> PlateCarree case where no # wrapping or interpolation needs to take place. if return_value is None and isinstance(src_crs, PlateCarree): self_params = self.proj4_params.copy() src_params = src_crs.proj4_params.copy() self_params.pop('lon_0'), src_params.pop('lon_0') xs, ys = vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1] potential = (self_params == src_params and self.y_limits[0] <= ys.min() and self.y_limits[1] >= ys.max()) if potential: mod = np.diff(src_crs.x_limits)[0] bboxes, proj_offset = self._bbox_and_offset(src_crs) x_lim = xs.min(), xs.max() y_lim = ys.min(), ys.max() for poly in bboxes: # Arbitrarily choose the number of moduli to look # above and below the -180->180 range. If data is beyond # this range, we're not going to transform it quickly. for i in [-1, 0, 1, 2]: offset = mod * i - proj_offset if ((poly[0] + offset) <= x_lim[0] and (poly[1] + offset) >= x_lim[1]): return_value = vertices + [[-offset, 0]] break if return_value is not None: break return return_value
[docs]class TransverseMercator(Projection): """ A Transverse Mercator projection. """ def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, scale_factor=1.0, globe=None): """ Kwargs: * central_longitude - The true longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0. * central_latitude - The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0. * false_easting - X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * false_northing - Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * scale_factor - Scale factor at the central meridian. Defaults to 1. * globe - An instance of :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'tmerc'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', central_latitude), ('k', scale_factor), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing), ('units', 'm')] super(TransverseMercator, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 1e4 @property def boundary(self): x0, x1 = self.x_limits y0, y1 = self.y_limits return sgeom.LineString([(x0, y0), (x0, y1), (x1, y1), (x1, y0), (x0, y0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (-2e7, 2e7) @property def y_limits(self): return (-1e7, 1e7)
[docs]class OSGB(TransverseMercator): def __init__(self): super(OSGB, self).__init__(central_longitude=-2, central_latitude=49, scale_factor=0.9996012717, false_easting=400000, false_northing=-100000, globe=Globe(datum='OSGB36', ellipse='airy')) @property def boundary(self): w = self.x_limits[1] - self.x_limits[0] h = self.y_limits[1] - self.y_limits[0] return sgeom.LineString([(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0), (0, 0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (0, 7e5) @property def y_limits(self): return (0, 13e5)
[docs]class OSNI(TransverseMercator): def __init__(self): globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=6377340.189, semiminor_axis=6356034.447938534) super(OSNI, self).__init__(central_longitude=-8, central_latitude=53.5, scale_factor=1.000035, false_easting=200000, false_northing=250000, globe=globe) @property def boundary(self): w = self.x_limits[1] - self.x_limits[0] h = self.y_limits[1] - self.y_limits[0] return sgeom.LineString([(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0), (0, 0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (18814.9667, 386062.3293) @property def y_limits(self): return (11764.8481, 464720.9559)
[docs]class EuroPP(Projection): """ UTM Zone 32 projection for EuroPP domain. Ellipsoid is International 1924, Datum is ED50. """ def __init__(self): proj4_params = [('proj', 'tmerc'), ('lat_0', 50), ('lon_0', 9), ('k', 0.9996), ('x_0', 1750000), ('y_0', 1500000), ('zone', 32), ('units', 'm')] globe = Globe(ellipse='intl', towgs84='-87,-98,-121') super(EuroPP, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) @property def boundary(self): w, h = 3.19e6, 3.8e6 return sgeom.LineString([(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0), (0, 0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (0, 3.19e6) @property def y_limits(self): return (0, 3.8e6) @property def threshold(self): return 1e4
[docs]class Mercator(Projection): """ A Mercator projection. """ def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, min_latitude=-80.0, max_latitude=84.0, globe=None): """ Kwargs: * central_longitude - the central longitude. Defaults to 0. * min_latitude - the maximum southerly extent of the projection. Defaults to -80 degrees. * max_latitude - the maximum northerly extent of the projection. Defaults to 84 degrees. * globe - A :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'merc'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('k', 1), ('units', 'm')] super(Mercator, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # Calculate limits. limits = self.transform_points(Geodetic(), np.array([-180., 180.]), np.array([min_latitude, max_latitude])) self._xlimits = tuple(limits[..., 0]) self._ylimits = tuple(limits[..., 1]) self._threshold = np.diff(self.x_limits)[0] / 720 def __eq__(self, other): res = super(Mercator, self).__eq__(other) if hasattr(other, "_ylimits") and hasattr(other, "_xlimits"): res = res and self._ylimits == other._ylimits and \ self._xlimits == other._xlimits return res def __hash__(self): return hash((self.proj4_init, self._xlimits, self._ylimits)) @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @property def boundary(self): x0, x1 = self.x_limits y0, y1 = self.y_limits return sgeom.LineString([(x0, y0), (x0, y1), (x1, y1), (x1, y0), (x0, y0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return self._xlimits @property def y_limits(self): return self._ylimits
[docs]class LambertCylindrical(_RectangularProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0): proj4_params = [('proj', 'cea'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=math.degrees(1)) super(LambertCylindrical, self).__init__(proj4_params, 180, math.degrees(1), globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 0.5
[docs]class LambertConformal(Projection): """ A Lambert Conformal conic projection. """ def __init__(self, central_longitude=-96.0, central_latitude=39.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, secant_latitudes=(33, 45), globe=None, cutoff=-30): """ Kwargs: * central_longitude - The central longitude. Defaults to 0. * central_latitude - The central latitude. Defaults to 0. * false_easting - X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * false_northing - Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * secant_latitudes - The two latitudes of secant intersection. Defaults to (33, 45). * globe - A :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. * cutoff - Latitude of map cutoff. The map extends to infinity opposite the central pole so we must cut off the map drawing before then. A value of 0 will draw half the globe. Defaults to -30. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'lcc'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', central_latitude), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing)] if secant_latitudes is not None: proj4_params.append(('lat_1', secant_latitudes[0])) proj4_params.append(('lat_2', secant_latitudes[1])) super(LambertConformal, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # are we north or south polar? if abs(secant_latitudes[0]) > abs(secant_latitudes[1]): poliest_sec = secant_latitudes[0] else: poliest_sec = secant_latitudes[1] plat = 90 if poliest_sec > 0 else -90 # bounds self.cutoff = cutoff n = 91 lons = [0] lats = [plat] lons.extend(np.linspace(central_longitude - 180 + 0.001, central_longitude + 180 - 0.001, n)) lats.extend(np.array([cutoff] * n)) lons.append(0) lats.append(plat) points = self.transform_points(PlateCarree(), np.array(lons), np.array(lats)) self._boundary = sgeom.LineString(points) bounds = self._boundary.bounds self._x_limits = bounds[0], bounds[2] self._y_limits = bounds[1], bounds[3] def __eq__(self, other): res = super(LambertConformal, self).__eq__(other) if hasattr(other, "cutoff"): res = res and self.cutoff == other.cutoff return res def __hash__(self): return hash((self.proj4_init, self.cutoff)) @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class Miller(_RectangularProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0): proj4_params = [('proj', 'mill'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=math.degrees(1)) # XXX How can we derive the vertical limit of 131.98? super(Miller, self).__init__(proj4_params, 180, 131.98, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 0.5
[docs]class RotatedPole(_CylindricalProjection): def __init__(self, pole_longitude=0.0, pole_latitude=90.0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'ob_tran'), ('o_proj', 'latlon'), ('o_lon_p', 0), ('o_lat_p', pole_latitude), ('lon_0', 180 + pole_longitude), ('to_meter', math.radians(1))] super(RotatedPole, self).__init__(proj4_params, 180, 90, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 0.5
[docs]class Gnomonic(Projection): def __init__(self, central_latitude=0.0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'gnom'), ('lat_0', central_latitude)] super(Gnomonic, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) self._max = 5e7 @property def boundary(self): return sgeom.Point(0, 0).buffer(self._max).exterior @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 @property def x_limits(self): return (-self._max, self._max) @property def y_limits(self): return (-self._max, self._max)
[docs]class Stereographic(Projection): def __init__(self, central_latitude=0.0, central_longitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, true_scale_latitude=None, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'stere'), ('lat_0', central_latitude), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing)] if true_scale_latitude: proj4_params.append(('lat_ts', true_scale_latitude)) super(Stereographic, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # TODO: Factor this out, particularly if there are other places using # it (currently: Stereographic & Geostationary). (#340) def ellipse(semimajor=2, semiminor=1, easting=0, northing=0, n=200): t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n) coords = np.vstack([semimajor * np.cos(t), semiminor * np.sin(t)]) coords += ([easting], [northing]) return coords # TODO: Let the globe return the semimajor axis always. a = np.float(self.globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) b = np.float(self.globe.semiminor_axis or 6356752.3142) # Note: The magic number has been picked to maintain consistent # behaviour with a wgs84 globe. There is no guarantee that the scaling # should even be linear. x_axis_offset = 5e7 / 6378137. y_axis_offset = 5e7 / 6356752.3142 self._x_limits = (-a * x_axis_offset + false_easting, a * x_axis_offset + false_easting) self._y_limits = (-b * y_axis_offset + false_northing, b * y_axis_offset + false_northing) if self._x_limits[1] == self._y_limits[1]: point = sgeom.Point(false_easting, false_northing) self._boundary = point.buffer(self._x_limits[1]).exterior else: coords = ellipse(self._x_limits[1], self._y_limits[1], false_easting, false_northing, 90) coords = tuple(tuple(pair) for pair in coords.T) self._boundary = sgeom.polygon.LinearRing(coords) self._threshold = np.diff(self._x_limits)[0] * 0.01 @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class NorthPolarStereo(Stereographic): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super(NorthPolarStereo, self).__init__( central_latitude=90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe)
[docs]class SouthPolarStereo(Stereographic): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super(SouthPolarStereo, self).__init__( central_latitude=-90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe)
[docs]class Orthographic(Projection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, central_latitude=0.0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'ortho'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', central_latitude)] super(Orthographic, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) self._max = 6.4e6 @property def boundary(self): return sgeom.Point(0, 0).buffer(self._max).exterior @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 @property def x_limits(self): return (-self._max, self._max) @property def y_limits(self): return (-self._max, self._max)
class _WarpedRectangularProjection(Projection): def __init__(self, proj4_params, central_longitude, globe=None): super(_WarpedRectangularProjection, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # Obtain boundary points points = [] n = 91 geodetic_crs = self.as_geodetic() for lat in np.linspace(-90, 90, n): points.append( self.transform_point(180 + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs) ) for lat in np.linspace(90, -90, n): points.append( self.transform_point(-180 + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs) ) points.append( self.transform_point(180 + central_longitude, -90, geodetic_crs)) self._boundary = sgeom.LineString(points[::-1]) x = [p[0] for p in points] y = [p[1] for p in points] self._x_limits = min(x), max(x) self._y_limits = min(y), max(y) @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class Mollweide(_WarpedRectangularProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'moll'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] super(Mollweide, self).__init__(proj4_params, central_longitude, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 1e5
[docs]class Robinson(_WarpedRectangularProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None): # Warn when using Robinson with proj4 4.8 due to discontinuity at # 40 deg N introduced by incomplete fix to issue #113 (see # import re match ="\d\.\d", PROJ4_RELEASE) if match is not None: proj4_version = float( if 4.8 <= proj4_version < 4.9: warnings.warn('The Robinson projection in the v4.8.x series ' 'of Proj.4 contains a discontinuity at ' '40 deg latitude. Use this projection with ' 'caution.') else: warnings.warn('Cannot determine Proj.4 version. The Robinson ' 'projection may be unreliable and should be used ' 'with caution.') proj4_params = [('proj', 'robin'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] super(Robinson, self).__init__(proj4_params, central_longitude, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 1e4 def transform_point(self, x, y, src_crs): """ Capture and handle any input NaNs, else invoke parent function, :meth:`_WarpedRectangularProjection.transform_point`. Needed because input NaNs can trigger a fatal error in the underlying implementation of the Robinson projection. .. note:: Although the original can in fact translate (nan, lat) into (nan, y-value), this patched version doesn't support that. """ if np.isnan(x) or np.isnan(y): result = (np.nan, np.nan) else: result = super(Robinson, self).transform_point(x, y, src_crs) return result def transform_points(self, src_crs, x, y, z=None): """ Capture and handle NaNs in input points -- else as parent function, :meth:`_WarpedRectangularProjection.transform_points`. Needed because input NaNs can trigger a fatal error in the underlying implementation of the Robinson projection. .. note:: Although the original can in fact translate (nan, lat) into (nan, y-value), this patched version doesn't support that. Instead, we invalidate any of the points that contain a NaN. """ input_point_nans = np.isnan(x) | np.isnan(y) if z is not None: input_point_nans |= np.isnan(z) handle_nans = np.any(input_point_nans) if handle_nans: # Remove NaN points from input data to avoid the error. x[input_point_nans] = 0.0 y[input_point_nans] = 0.0 if z is not None: z[input_point_nans] = 0.0 result = super(Robinson, self).transform_points(src_crs, x, y, z) if handle_nans: # Result always has shape (N, 3). # Blank out each (whole) point where we had a NaN in the input. result[input_point_nans] = np.nan return result
[docs]class InterruptedGoodeHomolosine(Projection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'igh'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] super(InterruptedGoodeHomolosine, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # Obtain boundary points points = [] n = 31 geodetic_crs = self.as_geodetic() # Right boundary for lat in np.linspace(-90, 90, n): points.append(self.transform_point(180 + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) # Top boundary interrupted_lons = (-40.0,) delta = 0.001 for lon in interrupted_lons: for lat in np.linspace(90, 0, n): points.append(self.transform_point(lon + delta + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) for lat in np.linspace(0, 90, n): points.append(self.transform_point(lon - delta + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) # Left boundary for lat in np.linspace(90, -90, n): points.append(self.transform_point(-180 + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) # Bottom boundary interrupted_lons = (-100.0, -20.0, 80.0) delta = 0.001 for lon in interrupted_lons: for lat in np.linspace(-90, 0, n): points.append(self.transform_point(lon - delta + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) for lat in np.linspace(0, -90, n): points.append(self.transform_point(lon + delta + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) # Close loop points.append(self.transform_point(180 + central_longitude, -90, geodetic_crs)) self._boundary = sgeom.LineString(points[::-1]) x = [p[0] for p in points] y = [p[1] for p in points] self._x_limits = min(x), max(x) self._y_limits = min(y), max(y) @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return 2e4 @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class Geostationary(Projection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, satellite_height=35785831, false_easting=0, false_northing=0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'geos'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', 0), ('h', satellite_height), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing), ('units', 'm')] super(Geostationary, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # TODO: Factor this out, particularly if there are other places using # it (currently: Stereographic & Geostationary). (#340) def ellipse(semimajor=2, semiminor=1, easting=0, northing=0, n=200): t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n) coords = np.vstack([semimajor * np.cos(t), semiminor * np.sin(t)]) coords += ([easting], [northing]) return coords # TODO: Let the globe return the semimajor axis always. a = np.float(self.globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) b = np.float(self.globe.semiminor_axis or 6378137.0) h = np.float(satellite_height) max_x = h * math.atan(a / (a + h)) max_y = h * math.atan(b / (b + h)) coords = ellipse(max_x, max_y, false_easting, false_northing, 60) coords = tuple(tuple(pair) for pair in coords.T) self._boundary = sgeom.polygon.LinearRing(coords) self._xlim = self._boundary.bounds[::2] self._ylim = self._boundary.bounds[1::2] self._threshold = np.diff(self._xlim)[0] * 0.02 @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @property def x_limits(self): return self._xlim @property def y_limits(self): return self._ylim
class _Thing(object): def __init__(self, distance, kind, data): self.distance = distance self.kind = kind = data def __repr__(self): return '_Thing(%r, %r, %s)' % (self.distance, self.kind, def _find_gt(a, x): for v in a: # TODO: Fix the problem of co-incident boundary & line points #if v.distance >= x: if v.distance > x: return v return a[0]