# Copyright Crown and Cartopy Contributors
# This file is part of Cartopy and is released under the BSD 3-clause license.
# See LICENSE in the root of the repository for full licensing details.
Generic functionality to support Cartopy image transformations.
import numpy as np
from pykdtree.kdtree import KDTree as _kdtreeClass
_is_pykdtree = True
except ImportError:
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as _kdtreeClass
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError("Using image transforms requires either "
"pykdtree or scipy.") from e
_is_pykdtree = False
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
def mesh_projection(projection, nx, ny,
x_extents=(None, None),
y_extents=(None, None)):
Return sample points in the given projection which span the entire
projection range evenly.
The range of the x-direction and y-direction sample points will be
within the bounds of the projection or specified extents.
A :class:`~cartopy.crs.Projection` instance.
nx: int
The number of sample points in the projection x-direction.
ny: int
The number of sample points in the projection y-direction.
x_extents: optional
The (lower, upper) x-direction extent of the projection.
Defaults to the :attr:`~cartopy.crs.Projection.x_limits`.
y_extents: optional
The (lower, upper) y-direction extent of the projection.
Defaults to the :attr:`~cartopy.crs.Projection.y_limits`.
A tuple of three items.
The x-direction sample points
:class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (nx, ny), y-direction
sample points :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (nx, ny),
and the extent of the projection range as
``(x-lower, x-upper, y-lower, y-upper)``.
def extent(specified, default, index):
if specified[index] is not None:
return specified[index]
return default[index]
# Establish the x-direction and y-direction extents.
x_lower = extent(x_extents, projection.x_limits, 0)
x_upper = extent(x_extents, projection.x_limits, 1)
y_lower = extent(y_extents, projection.y_limits, 0)
y_upper = extent(y_extents, projection.y_limits, 1)
# Calculate evenly spaced sample points spanning the
# extent - excluding endpoint.
x, xstep = np.linspace(x_lower, x_upper, nx, retstep=True,
y, ystep = np.linspace(y_lower, y_upper, ny, retstep=True,
# Deal with single point corner case and the difference
# between np.linspace v1.9 and v1.10+ retstep nan result.
if nx == 1 and np.isnan(xstep):
xstep = x_upper - x_lower
if ny == 1 and np.isnan(ystep):
ystep = y_upper - y_lower
# Offset the sample points to be within the extent range.
x += 0.5 * xstep
y += 0.5 * ystep
# Generate the x-direction and y-direction meshgrids.
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
return x, y, [x_lower, x_upper, y_lower, y_upper]
def warp_img(fname, target_proj, source_proj=None, target_res=(400, 200)):
Regrid the image file from the source projection to the target projection.
Image filename to be loaded and warped.
The target :class:`~cartopy.crs.Projection` instance for the image.
source_proj: optional
The source :class:`~cartopy.crs.Projection` instance of the image.
Defaults to a :class:`~cartopy.crs.PlateCarree` projection.
target_res: optional
The (nx, ny) resolution of the target projection. Where nx defaults to
400 sample points, and ny defaults to 200 sample points.
if source_proj is None:
source_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()
raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented.')
def warp_array(array, target_proj, source_proj=None, target_res=(400, 200),
source_extent=None, target_extent=None,
Regrid the data array from the source projection to the target projection.
Also see, :func:`~cartopy.img_transform.regrid`.
The :class:`numpy.ndarray` of data to be regridded to the target
The target :class:`~cartopy.crs.Projection` instance for the data.
source_proj: optional
The source :class:`~cartopy.crs.Projection' instance of the data.
Defaults to a :class:`~cartopy.crs.PlateCarree` projection.
target_res: optional
The (nx, ny) resolution of the target projection. Where nx defaults to
400 sample points, and ny defaults to 200 sample points.
source_extent: optional
The (x-lower, x-upper, y-lower, y-upper) extent in native
source projection coordinates.
target_extent: optional
The (x-lower, x-upper, y-lower, y-upper) extent in native
target projection coordinates.
mask_extrapolated: optional
Assume that the source coordinate is rectilinear and so mask the
resulting target grid values which lie outside the source grid
array, extent
A tuple of the regridded :class:`numpy.ndarray` in the target
projection and the (x-lower, x-upper, y-lower, y-upper) target
projection extent.
# source_extent is in source coordinates.
if source_extent is None:
source_extent = [None] * 4
# target_extent is in target coordinates.
if target_extent is None:
target_extent = [None] * 4
source_x_extents = source_extent[:2]
source_y_extents = source_extent[2:]
target_x_extents = target_extent[:2]
target_y_extents = target_extent[2:]
if source_proj is None:
source_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()
ny, nx = array.shape[:2]
source_native_xy = mesh_projection(source_proj, nx, ny,
# XXX Take into account the extents of the original to determine
# target_extents?
target_native_x, target_native_y, extent = mesh_projection(
target_proj, target_res[0], target_res[1],
x_extents=target_x_extents, y_extents=target_y_extents)
array = regrid(array, source_native_xy[0], source_native_xy[1],
source_proj, target_proj,
target_native_x, target_native_y,
return array, extent
def _determine_bounds(x_coords, y_coords, source_cs):
# Returns bounds corresponding to one or two rectangles depending on
# transformation between ranges.
bounds = dict(x=[])
half_px = abs(np.diff(x_coords[:2])).max() / 2.
if (((hasattr(source_cs, 'is_geodetic') and
source_cs.is_geodetic()) or
isinstance(source_cs, ccrs.PlateCarree)) and x_coords.max() > 180):
if x_coords.min() < 180:
bounds['x'].append([x_coords.min() - half_px, 180])
bounds['x'].append([-180, x_coords.max() - 360 + half_px])
bounds['x'].append([x_coords.min() - 180 - half_px,
x_coords.max() - 180 + half_px])
bounds['x'].append([x_coords.min() - half_px,
x_coords.max() + half_px])
bounds['y'] = [y_coords.min(), y_coords.max()]
return bounds
def regrid(array, source_x_coords, source_y_coords, source_proj, target_proj,
target_x_points, target_y_points, mask_extrapolated=False):
Regrid the data array from the source projection to the target projection.
The :class:`numpy.ndarray` of data to be regridded to the
target projection.
A 2-dimensional source projection :class:`numpy.ndarray` of
x-direction sample points.
A 2-dimensional source projection :class:`numpy.ndarray` of
y-direction sample points.
The source :class:`~cartopy.crs.Projection` instance.
The target :class:`~cartopy.crs.Projection` instance.
A 2-dimensional target projection :class:`numpy.ndarray` of
x-direction sample points.
A 2-dimensional target projection :class:`numpy.ndarray` of
y-direction sample points.
mask_extrapolated: optional
Assume that the source coordinate is rectilinear and so mask the
resulting target grid values which lie outside the source grid domain.
Defaults to False.
The data array regridded in the target projection.
# Stack our original xyz array, this will also wrap coords when necessary
xyz = source_proj.transform_points(source_proj,
# Transform the target points into the source projection
target_xyz = source_proj.transform_points(target_proj,
# Find mask of valid points before querying kdtree: scipy >= 1.11 errors
# when querying nan points, might as well use for pykdtree too.
indices = np.zeros(target_xyz.shape[0], dtype=int)
finite_xyz = np.all(np.isfinite(target_xyz), axis=-1)
if _is_pykdtree:
kdtree = _kdtreeClass(xyz)
# Use sqr_dists=True because we don't care about distances,
# and it saves a sqrt.
_, indices[finite_xyz] = kdtree.query(target_xyz[finite_xyz, :],
# Versions of scipy >= v0.16 added the balanced_tree argument,
# which caused the KDTree to hang with this input.
kdtree = _kdtreeClass(xyz, balanced_tree=False)
_, indices[finite_xyz] = kdtree.query(target_xyz[finite_xyz, :], k=1)
mask = ~finite_xyz | (indices >= len(xyz))
indices[mask] = 0
desired_ny, desired_nx = target_x_points.shape
# Squash the first two dims of the source array into one
temp_array = array.reshape((-1,) + array.shape[2:])
if np.any(mask):
new_array = np.ma.array(temp_array[indices])
new_array[mask] = np.ma.masked
new_array = temp_array[indices]
new_array.shape = (desired_ny, desired_nx) + (array.shape[2:])
# Do double transform to clip points that do not map back and forth
# to the same point to within a fixed fractional offset.
# NOTE: This only needs to be done for (pseudo-)cylindrical projections,
# or any others which have the concept of wrapping
back_to_target_xyz = target_proj.transform_points(source_proj,
target_xyz[:, 0],
target_xyz[:, 1])
back_to_target_x = back_to_target_xyz[:, 0].reshape(desired_ny,
back_to_target_y = back_to_target_xyz[:, 1].reshape(desired_ny,
FRACTIONAL_OFFSET_THRESHOLD = 0.1 # data has moved by 10% of the map
x_extent = np.abs(target_proj.x_limits[1] - target_proj.x_limits[0])
y_extent = np.abs(target_proj.y_limits[1] - target_proj.y_limits[0])
non_self_inverse_points = (((np.abs(target_x_points - back_to_target_x) /
((np.abs(target_y_points - back_to_target_y) /
if np.any(non_self_inverse_points):
if not np.ma.isMaskedArray(new_array):
new_array = np.ma.array(new_array, mask=False)
new_array[non_self_inverse_points] = np.ma.masked
# Transform the target points to the source projection and mask any points
# that fall outside the original source domain.
if mask_extrapolated:
target_in_source_x = target_xyz[:, 0].reshape(desired_ny,
target_in_source_y = target_xyz[:, 1].reshape(desired_ny,
bounds = _determine_bounds(source_x_coords, source_y_coords,
outside_source_domain = ((target_in_source_y >= bounds['y'][1]) |
(target_in_source_y <= bounds['y'][0]))
tmp_inside = np.zeros_like(outside_source_domain)
for bound_x in bounds['x']:
tmp_inside = tmp_inside | ((target_in_source_x <= bound_x[1]) &
(target_in_source_x >= bound_x[0]))
outside_source_domain = outside_source_domain | ~tmp_inside
if np.any(outside_source_domain):
if not np.ma.isMaskedArray(new_array):
new_array = np.ma.array(new_array, mask=False)
new_array[outside_source_domain] = np.ma.masked
return new_array