Source code for cartopy.mpl.feature_artist

# Copyright Crown and Cartopy Contributors
# This file is part of Cartopy and is released under the BSD 3-clause license.
# See LICENSE in the root of the repository for full licensing details.

This module defines the :class:`FeatureArtist` class, for drawing
:class:`Feature` instances through an extension of the Matplotlib Artist interfaces.


import warnings
import weakref

import matplotlib.artist
import matplotlib.collections
import matplotlib.path as mpath
import numpy as np

import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from cartopy.mpl import _MPL_38
import cartopy.mpl.patch as cpatch

class _GeomKey:
    Provide id() based equality and hashing for geometries.

    Instances of this class must be treated as immutable for the caching
    to operate correctly.

    A workaround for Shapely polygons no longer being hashable as of 1.5.13.


    def __init__(self, geom):
        self._id = id(geom)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._id == other._id

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._id)

def _freeze(obj):
    Recursively freeze the given object so that it might be suitable for
    use as a hashable.

    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        obj = frozenset(((k, _freeze(v)) for k, v in obj.items()))
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        obj = tuple(_freeze(item) for item in obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
        obj = tuple(obj)
    return obj

[docs] class FeatureArtist(matplotlib.collections.Collection): """ A subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` capable of drawing a :class:`cartopy.feature.Feature`. """ _geom_key_to_geometry_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() """ A mapping from _GeomKey to geometry to assist with the caching of transformed Matplotlib paths. """ _geom_key_to_path_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() """ A nested mapping from geometry (converted to a _GeomKey) and target projection to the resulting transformed Matplotlib paths:: {geom: {target_projection: list_of_paths}} This provides a significant boost when producing multiple maps of the same projection. """ def __init__(self, feature, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- feature An instance of :class:`cartopy.feature.Feature` to draw. styler A callable that given a geometry, returns matplotlib styling parameters. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs Keyword arguments to be used when drawing the feature. These will override those shared with the feature. """ super().__init__() self._styler = kwargs.pop('styler', None) self._kwargs = dict(kwargs) if 'color' in self._kwargs: # We want the user to be able to override both face and edge # colours if the original feature already supplied it. color = self._kwargs.pop('color') self._kwargs['facecolor'] = self._kwargs['edgecolor'] = color # Paths are worked out at draw, but add_collection fails if paths is # left to the default of None. self.set_paths([]) # Set default zorder so that features are drawn under # lines e.g. contours but over images and filled patches. # Note that the zorder of Patch, PatchCollection and PathCollection # are all 1 by default. Assuming default zorder, drawing takes place in # the following order: collections, patches, FeatureArtist, lines, # text. self.set_zorder(1.5) # Update drawing styles from the feature and **kwargs. self.set(**feature.kwargs) self.set(**self._kwargs) self._feature = feature
[docs] def set_facecolor(self, c): """ Set the facecolor(s) of the `.FeatureArtist`. If set to 'never' then subsequent calls will have no effect. Otherwise works the same as `matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_facecolor`. """ if isinstance(c, str) and c == 'never': self._never_fc = True super().set_facecolor('none') elif (getattr(self, '_never_fc', False) and (not isinstance(c, str) or c != 'none')): warnings.warn('facecolor will have no effect as it has been ' 'defined as "never".') else: super().set_facecolor(c)
if not _MPL_38: # set_paths does not yet exist on Collection. def set_paths(self, paths): self._paths = paths
[docs] @matplotlib.artist.allow_rasterization def draw(self, renderer): """ Draw the geometries of the feature that intersect with the extent of the :class:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes` instance to which this object has been added. """ if not self.get_visible(): return ax = self.axes feature_crs = # Get geometries that we need to draw. extent = None try: extent = ax.get_extent(feature_crs) except ValueError: warnings.warn('Unable to determine extent. Defaulting to global.') if isinstance(self._feature, cfeature.ShapelyFeature): # User passed a specific list of geometries. If they also passed # `array` or a list of facecolors then we should keep the colours # consistent after pan/zoom. Do this by creating a Path for every # geometry regardless of whether they are currently in view. geoms = self._feature.geometries() else: # For efficiency on local maps with high resolution features (e.g # from Natural Earth), only create paths for geometries that are # in view. geoms = self._feature.intersecting_geometries(extent) stylised_paths = {} # Make an empty placeholder style dictionary for when styler is not # used. Freeze it so that we can use it as a dict key. We will need # to unfreeze all style dicts with dict(frozen) before passing to mpl. no_style = _freeze({}) # Project (if necessary) and convert geometries to matplotlib paths. key = ax.projection for geom in geoms: # As Shapely geometries cannot be relied upon to be # hashable, we have to use a WeakValueDictionary to manage # their weak references. The key can then be a simple, # "disposable", hashable geom-key object that just uses the # id() of a geometry to determine equality and hash value. # The only persistent, strong reference to the geom-key is # in the WeakValueDictionary, so when the geometry is # garbage collected so is the geom-key. # The geom-key is also used to access the WeakKeyDictionary # cache of transformed geometries. So when the geom-key is # garbage collected so are the transformed geometries. geom_key = _GeomKey(geom) FeatureArtist._geom_key_to_geometry_cache.setdefault( geom_key, geom) mapping = FeatureArtist._geom_key_to_path_cache.setdefault( geom_key, {}) geom_path = mapping.get(key) if geom_path is None: if ax.projection != feature_crs: projected_geom = ax.projection.project_geometry( geom, feature_crs) else: projected_geom = geom geom_paths = cpatch.geos_to_path(projected_geom) # The transform may have split the geometry into two paths, we only want # one compound path. geom_path = mpath.Path.make_compound_path(*geom_paths) mapping[key] = geom_path if self._styler is None: stylised_paths.setdefault(no_style, []).append(geom_path) else: style = _freeze(self._styler(geom)) stylised_paths.setdefault(style, []).append(geom_path) self.set_clip_path(ax.patch) # Draw each style individually. Note that there will only be multiple # styles if styler was used. for style, paths in stylised_paths.items(): style = dict(style) # Temporarily replace properties. orig_style = {k: getattr(self, f"get_{k}")() for k in style} self.set(paths=paths, **style) super().draw(renderer) self.set(paths=[], **orig_style)