Source code for cartopy.mpl.feature_artist

# Copyright Cartopy Contributors
# This file is part of Cartopy and is released under the LGPL license.
# See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER in the root of the repository for full
# licensing details.

This module defines the :class:`FeatureArtist` class, for drawing
:class:`Feature` instances with matplotlib.


from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings
import weakref

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.artist
import matplotlib.collections

import cartopy.mpl.patch as cpatch
from .style import merge as style_merge, finalize as style_finalize

class _GeomKey:
    Provide id() based equality and hashing for geometries.

    Instances of this class must be treated as immutable for the caching
    to operate correctly.

    A workaround for Shapely polygons no longer being hashable as of 1.5.13.

    def __init__(self, geom):
        self._id = id(geom)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._id == other._id

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._id)

def _freeze(obj):
    Recursively freeze the given object so that it might be suitable for
    use as a hashable.

    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        obj = frozenset(((k, _freeze(v)) for k, v in obj.items()))
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        obj = tuple(_freeze(item) for item in obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
        obj = tuple(obj)
    return obj

[docs]class FeatureArtist(matplotlib.artist.Artist): """ A subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist` capable of drawing a :class:`cartopy.feature.Feature`. """ _geom_key_to_geometry_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() """ A mapping from _GeomKey to geometry to assist with the caching of transformed Matplotlib paths. """ _geom_key_to_path_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() """ A nested mapping from geometry (converted to a _GeomKey) and target projection to the resulting transformed Matplotlib paths:: {geom: {target_projection: list_of_paths}} This provides a significant boost when producing multiple maps of the same projection. """ def __init__(self, feature, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- feature An instance of :class:`cartopy.feature.Feature` to draw. styler A callable that given a gemometry, returns matplotlib styling parameters. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs Keyword arguments to be used when drawing the feature. These will override those shared with the feature. """ super().__init__() if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} self._styler = kwargs.pop('styler', None) self._kwargs = dict(kwargs) if 'color' in self._kwargs: # We want the user to be able to override both face and edge # colours if the original feature already supplied it. color = self._kwargs.pop('color') self._kwargs['facecolor'] = self._kwargs['edgecolor'] = color # Set default zorder so that features are drawn under # lines e.g. contours but over images and filled patches. # Note that the zorder of Patch, PatchCollection and PathCollection # are all 1 by default. Assuming default zorder, drawing takes place in # the following order: collections, patches, FeatureArtist, lines, # text. if self._kwargs.get('zorder') is not None: self.set_zorder(self._kwargs['zorder']) elif feature.kwargs.get('zorder') is not None: self.set_zorder(feature.kwargs['zorder']) else: self.set_zorder(1.5) self._feature = feature
[docs] @matplotlib.artist.allow_rasterization def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs): """ Draw the geometries of the feature that intersect with the extent of the :class:`cartopy.mpl.GeoAxes` instance to which this object has been added. """ if not self.get_visible(): return ax = self.axes feature_crs = # Get geometries that we need to draw. extent = None try: extent = ax.get_extent(feature_crs) except ValueError: warnings.warn('Unable to determine extent. Defaulting to global.') geoms = self._feature.intersecting_geometries(extent) # Combine all the keyword args in priority order. prepared_kwargs = style_merge(self._feature.kwargs, self._kwargs, kwargs) # Freeze the kwargs so that we can use them as a dict key. We will # need to unfreeze this with dict(frozen) before passing to mpl. prepared_kwargs = _freeze(prepared_kwargs) # Project (if necessary) and convert geometries to matplotlib paths. stylised_paths = OrderedDict() key = ax.projection for geom in geoms: # As Shapely geometries cannot be relied upon to be # hashable, we have to use a WeakValueDictionary to manage # their weak references. The key can then be a simple, # "disposable", hashable geom-key object that just uses the # id() of a geometry to determine equality and hash value. # The only persistent, strong reference to the geom-key is # in the WeakValueDictionary, so when the geometry is # garbage collected so is the geom-key. # The geom-key is also used to access the WeakKeyDictionary # cache of transformed geometries. So when the geom-key is # garbage collected so are the transformed geometries. geom_key = _GeomKey(geom) FeatureArtist._geom_key_to_geometry_cache.setdefault( geom_key, geom) mapping = FeatureArtist._geom_key_to_path_cache.setdefault( geom_key, {}) geom_paths = mapping.get(key) if geom_paths is None: if ax.projection != feature_crs: projected_geom = ax.projection.project_geometry( geom, feature_crs) else: projected_geom = geom geom_paths = cpatch.geos_to_path(projected_geom) mapping[key] = geom_paths if not self._styler: style = prepared_kwargs else: # Unfreeze, then add the computed style, and then re-freeze. style = style_merge(dict(prepared_kwargs), self._styler(geom)) style = _freeze(style) stylised_paths.setdefault(style, []).extend(geom_paths) transform = ax.projection._as_mpl_transform(ax) # Draw one PathCollection per style. We could instead pass an array # of style items through to a single PathCollection, but that # complexity does not yet justify the effort. for style, paths in stylised_paths.items(): style = style_finalize(dict(style)) # Build path collection and draw it. c = matplotlib.collections.PathCollection(paths, transform=transform, **style) c.set_clip_path(ax.patch) c.set_figure(ax.figure) c.draw(renderer) # n.b. matplotlib.collection.Collection.draw returns None return None