The following examples show off the functionality of Cartopy. They illustrate the kinds of things you can do with this library. For more examples, tutorials, and guides on how to use Cartopy, see the getting started section.
Custom Boundary Shape¶
Feature Creation¶
Global Map¶
Hurricane Katrina¶
Nightshade feature¶
Rotated pole boxes¶
The effect of badly referencing an ellipse¶
Tissot’s Indicatrix¶
Contour labels¶
Contour transform options¶
Filled contours¶
Map tile acquisition¶
Plotting the Aurora Forecast from NOAA on Orthographic Polar Projection¶
Reprojecting images from a Geostationary projection¶
Regridding vectors with quiver¶
Displaying WMTS tiled map data on an arbitrary projection¶
Interactive WMS (Web Map Service)¶
Interactive WMTS (Web Map Tile Service)¶
Web Map Tile Service time dimension demonstration¶
Web tile imagery¶
Gridlines and tick labels¶
Tick Labels¶
Animating a gridded surface¶
Cartopy Favicon¶
Cartopy Logo¶
Displaying all 60 zones of the UTM projection¶
Displaying data on an eccentric ellipse¶
Modifying the boundary/neatline of a map in cartopy¶
Tube Stations¶
UN Flag¶
Using Cartopy and AxesGrid toolkit¶
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