class, globe=None)[source]#

Bases: CustomConstructorCRS

Define a Coordinate Reference System using proj.

  • proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The proj4_params parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.

  • globe (Globe instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. See Globe for details.


Return a new Geocentric CRS with the same ellipse/datum as this CRS.


Return a new Geodetic CRS with the same ellipse/datum as this CRS.

transform_point(x, y, src_crs)[source]#

Transform the given float64 coordinate pair, in the given source coordinate system (src_crs), to this coordinate system.

  • x – the x coordinate, in src_crs coordinates, to transform

  • y – the y coordinate, in src_crs coordinates, to transform

  • src_crs – instance of CRS that represents the coordinate system of x and y.

  • trap – Whether proj errors for “latitude or longitude exceeded limits” and “tolerance condition error” should be trapped.


(x, y) in this coordinate system

transform_points(src_crs, x, y[, z])[source]#

Transform the given coordinates, in the given source coordinate system (src_crs), to this coordinate system.

  • src_crs – instance of CRS that represents the coordinate system of x, y and z.

  • x – the x coordinates (array), in src_crs coordinates, to transform. May be 1 or 2 dimensional.

  • y – the y coordinates (array), in src_crs coordinates, to transform. Its shape must match that of x.

  • z (optional) – the z coordinates (array), in src_crs coordinates, to transform. Defaults to None. If supplied, its shape must match that of x.

  • trap – Whether proj errors for “latitude or longitude exceeded limits” and “tolerance condition error” should be trapped.


Array of shape x.shape + (3, ) in this coordinate system.

transform_vectors(src_proj, x, y, u, v)[source]#

Transform the given vector components, with coordinates in the given source coordinate system (src_proj), to this coordinate system. The vector components must be given relative to the source projection’s coordinate reference system (grid eastward and grid northward).

  • src_proj – The CRS.Projection that represents the coordinate system the vectors are defined in.

  • x – The x coordinates of the vectors in the source projection.

  • y – The y coordinates of the vectors in the source projection.

  • u – The grid-eastward components of the vectors.

  • v – The grid-northward components of the vectors.


x, y, u and v may be 1 or 2 dimensional, but must all have matching shapes.


ut, vt (The transformed vector components.)


The algorithm used to transform vectors is an approximation rather than an exact transform, but the accuracy should be good enough for visualization purposes.