Input/output capabilities (

Cartopy has many built-in image and map acquisition capabilities. These capabilities allow the maps to be loaded, saved, and retrieved in various data formats.

Shapefiles# provides a basic interface for accessing shapefiles.


alias of FionaReader

BasicReader(filename[, bbox])

Provide an interface for accessing the contents of a shapefile.

FionaReader(filename[, bbox])

Provides an interface for accessing the contents of a shapefile with the fiona library, which has a much faster reader than pyshp.

Record(shape, attributes, fields)

A single logical entry from a shapefile, combining the attributes with their associated geometry.

FionaRecord(geometry, attributes)

A single logical entry from a shapefile, combining the attributes with their associated geometry.

natural_earth([resolution, category, name])

Return the path to the requested natural earth shapefile, downloading and unzipping if necessary.

NEShpDownloader([url_template, ...])

Specialise to download the zipped Natural Earth shapefiles and extract them to the defined location (typically user configurable).

gshhs([scale, level])

Return the path to the requested GSHHS shapefile, downloading and unzipping if necessary.

GSHHSShpDownloader([url_template, ...])

Specialise to download the zipped GSHHS shapefiles and extract them to the defined location.

Image collections# provides an interface for representing images.

Img(*args, **kwargs)

Represents a simple geo-located image.

ImageCollection(name, crs[, images])

Represents a collection of images at the same logical level.

NestedImageCollection(name, crs, collections)

Represents a complex nest of ImageCollections.

Image tiles#

Classes in provide an interface to the respective tile resources to automatically load the proper tile and resolution depending on the desired domain.

OSM([desired_tile_form, user_agent, cache])

GoogleTiles([desired_tile_form, style, url, ...])

param desired_tile_form:

Defaults to 'RGB'.

GoogleWTS([desired_tile_form, user_agent, cache])

Implement web tile retrieval using the Google WTS coordinate system.

MapQuestOSM([desired_tile_form, user_agent, ...])

MapQuestOpenAerial([desired_tile_form, ...])

MapboxStyleTiles(access_token, username, map_id)

Implement web tile retrieval from a user-defined Mapbox style.

MapboxTiles(access_token, map_id[, cache])

Implement web tile retrieval from Mapbox.

OrdnanceSurvey(apikey[, layer, ...])

Implement web tile retrieval from Ordnance Survey map data.

QuadtreeTiles([desired_tile_form, ...])

Implement web tile retrieval using the Microsoft WTS quadkey coordinate system.

Stamen([style, desired_tile_form, cache])

Retrieves tiles from

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)# contains several classes to enable interfacing with OGC clients.

WFSGeometrySource(service, features[, ...])

Web Feature Service (WFS) retrieval for Cartopy.

WMSRasterSource(service, layers[, ...])

A WMS imagery retriever which can be added to a map.

WMTSRasterSource(wmts, layer_name[, ...])

A WMTS imagery retriever which can be added to a map.

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)#

The SRTM data can be accessed through the module using classes and functions defined below.

SRTM1Source([downloader, max_nx, max_ny])

A source of SRTM1 data, which implements Cartopy's RasterSource interface.

SRTM3Source([downloader, max_nx, max_ny])

A source of SRTM3 data, which implements Cartopy's RasterSource interface.

SRTMDownloader(target_path_template[, ...])

Provide a SRTM download mechanism.


Read the array of (y, x) elevation data from the given named file-handle.


Read the array of (y, x) elevation data from the given named file-handle.


Read the array of (y, x) elevation data from the given named file-handle.

add_shading(elevation, azimuth, altitude)

Add shading to SRTM elevation data, using azimuth and altitude of the sun.

Base classes and functions#

These are the base classes in that new resources can leverage to implement a new reader or tile client.

Downloader(url_template, target_path_template)

Represents a resource, that can be configured easily, which knows how to acquire itself (perhaps via HTTP).


Issued when a file is being downloaded by a Downloader.

LocatedImage(image, extent)

Define an image and associated extent in the form:


Define the cartopy raster fetching interface.


A container which simply calls the appropriate methods on the contained RasterSource.

PostprocessedRasterSource(contained_source, ...)

A RasterSource which wraps another, an then applies a post-processing step on the raster fetched from the contained source.

fh_getter(fh[, mode, needs_filename])

Convenience function for opening files.