Source code for

# Copyright Crown and Cartopy Contributors
# This file is part of Cartopy and is released under the BSD 3-clause license.
# See LICENSE in the root of the repository for full licensing details.

The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) is an international research
effort that obtained digital elevation models on a near-global scale from
56S to 60N, to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic
database of Earth prior to the release of the ASTER GDEM in 2009.

   - Wikipedia (August 2012)

The SRTM data can be accessed through the :mod:`` module
using classes and functions defined below.


import io
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

import numpy as np

from cartopy import config
import as ccrs
from import Downloader, LocatedImage, RasterSource, fh_getter

class _SRTMSource(RasterSource):
    A source of SRTM data, which implements Cartopy's :ref:`RasterSource
    interface <raster-source-interface>`.


    def __init__(self, resolution, downloader, max_nx, max_ny):
            The resolution of SRTM to download, in integer arc-seconds.
            Data is available at resolutions of 3 and 1 arc-seconds.
        downloader: :class:`` instance or None
            The downloader to use for the SRTM dataset. If None, the
            downloader will be taken using
            :class:`` with ('SRTM',
            'SRTM{resolution}') as the target.
            The maximum number of x tiles to be combined when producing a
            wider composite for this RasterSource.
            The maximum number of y tiles to be combined when producing a
            taller composite for this RasterSource.

        if resolution == 3:
            self._shape = (1201, 1201)
        elif resolution == 1:
            self._shape = (3601, 3601)
            raise ValueError(
                f'Resolution is an unexpected value ({resolution}).')
        self._resolution = resolution

        #: The CRS of the underlying SRTM data. = ccrs.PlateCarree()

        #: The Cartopy Downloader which can handle SRTM data. Normally, this
        #: will be a :class:`SRTMDownloader` instance.
        self.downloader = downloader

        if self.downloader is None:
            self.downloader = Downloader.from_config(
                ('SRTM', f'SRTM{resolution}'))

        #: A tuple of (max_x_tiles, max_y_tiles).
        self._max_tiles = (max_nx, max_ny)

    def validate_projection(self, projection):
        return projection ==

    def fetch_raster(self, projection, extent, target_resolution):
        Fetch SRTM elevation for the given projection and approximate extent.

        if not self.validate_projection(projection):
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported projection for the '
                             f'SRTM{self._resolution} source.')

        min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = extent
        min_x, min_y = np.floor([min_x, min_y])
        nx = int(np.ceil(max_x) - min_x)
        ny = int(np.ceil(max_y) - min_y)
        skip = False
        if nx > self._max_tiles[0]:
                f'Required SRTM{self._resolution} tile count ({nx}) exceeds '
                f'maximum ({self._max_tiles[0]}). Increase max_nx limit.')
            skip = True
        if ny > self._max_tiles[1]:
                f'Required SRTM{self._resolution} tile count ({ny}) exceeds '
                f'maximum ({self._max_tiles[1]}). Increase max_ny limit.')
            skip = True
        if skip:
            return []
            img, _, extent = self.combined(min_x, min_y, nx, ny)
            return [LocatedImage(np.flipud(img), extent)]

    def srtm_fname(self, lon, lat):
        Return the filename for the given lon/lat SRTM tile (downloading if
        necessary), or None if no such tile exists (i.e. the tile would be
        entirely over water, or out of latitude range).

        if int(lon) != lon or int(lat) != lat:
            raise ValueError('Integer longitude/latitude values required.')

        x = '%s%03d' % ('E' if lon >= 0 else 'W', abs(int(lon)))
        y = '%s%02d' % ('N' if lat >= 0 else 'S', abs(int(lat)))

        srtm_downloader = Downloader.from_config(
            ('SRTM', f'SRTM{self._resolution}'))
        params = {'config': config, 'resolution': self._resolution,
                  'x': x, 'y': y}

        # If the URL doesn't exist then we are over sea/north/south of the
        # limits of the SRTM data and we return None.
        if srtm_downloader.url(params) is None:
            return None
            return self.downloader.path(params)

    def combined(self, lon_min, lat_min, nx, ny):
        Return an image and its extent for the group of nx by ny tiles
        starting at the given bottom left location.

        bottom_left_ll = (lon_min, lat_min)
        shape = np.array(self._shape)
        img = np.zeros(shape * (ny, nx))

        for i, j in np.ndindex(nx, ny):
            x_img_slice = slice(i * shape[1], (i + 1) * shape[1])
            y_img_slice = slice(j * shape[0], (j + 1) * shape[0])

                tile_img, _, _ = self.single_tile(bottom_left_ll[0] + i,
                                                  bottom_left_ll[1] + j)
            except ValueError:
                img[y_img_slice, x_img_slice] = 0
                img[y_img_slice, x_img_slice] = tile_img

        extent = (bottom_left_ll[0], bottom_left_ll[0] + nx,
                  bottom_left_ll[1], bottom_left_ll[1] + ny)

        return img,, extent

    def single_tile(self, lon, lat):
        fname = self.srtm_fname(lon, lat)
        if fname is None:
            raise ValueError('No srtm tile found for those coordinates.')
        return read_SRTM(fname)

[docs] class SRTM3Source(_SRTMSource): """ A source of SRTM3 data, which implements Cartopy's :ref:`RasterSource interface <raster-source-interface>`. """ def __init__(self, downloader=None, max_nx=3, max_ny=3): """ Parameters ---------- downloader: :class:`` instance or None The downloader to use for the SRTM3 dataset. If None, the downloader will be taken using :class:`` with ('SRTM', 'SRTM3') as the target. max_nx The maximum number of x tiles to be combined when producing a wider composite for this RasterSource. max_ny The maximum number of y tiles to be combined when producing a taller composite for this RasterSource. """ super().__init__(resolution=3, downloader=downloader, max_nx=max_nx, max_ny=max_ny)
[docs] class SRTM1Source(_SRTMSource): """ A source of SRTM1 data, which implements Cartopy's :ref:`RasterSource interface <raster-source-interface>`. """ def __init__(self, downloader=None, max_nx=3, max_ny=3): """ Parameters ---------- downloader: :class:`` instance or None The downloader to use for the SRTM1 dataset. If None, the downloader will be taken using :class:`` with ('SRTM', 'SRTM1') as the target. max_nx The maximum number of x tiles to be combined when producing a wider composite for this RasterSource. max_ny The maximum number of y tiles to be combined when producing a taller composite for this RasterSource. """ super().__init__(resolution=1, downloader=downloader, max_nx=max_nx, max_ny=max_ny)
[docs] def add_shading(elevation, azimuth, altitude): """Add shading to SRTM elevation data, using azimuth and altitude of the sun. Parameters ---------- elevation SRTM elevation data (in meters) azimuth Azimuth of the Sun (in degrees) altitude Altitude of the Sun (in degrees) Return shaded SRTM relief map. """ azimuth = np.deg2rad(azimuth) altitude = np.deg2rad(altitude) x, y = np.gradient(elevation) slope = np.pi / 2 - np.arctan(np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)) # -x here because of pixel orders in the SRTM tile aspect = np.arctan2(-x, y) shaded = np.sin(altitude) * np.sin(slope) \ + np.cos(altitude) * np.cos(slope) \ * np.cos((azimuth - np.pi / 2) - aspect) return shaded
[docs] def read_SRTM(fh): """ Read the array of (y, x) elevation data from the given named file-handle. Parameters ---------- fh A named file-like as passed through to :func:``. The filename is used to determine the extent of the resulting array. Returns ------- elevation The elevation values from the SRTM file. Data is flipped vertically such that the higher the y-index, the further north the data. Data shape is automatically determined by the size of data read from file, and is either (1201, 1201) for 3 arc-second data or (3601, 3601) for 1 arc-second data. crs: :class:`` The coordinate reference system of the extents. extents: 4-tuple (x0, x1, y0, y1) The boundaries of the returned elevation array. """ fh, fname = fh_getter(fh, needs_filename=True) if fname.endswith('.zip'): from zipfile import ZipFile zfh = ZipFile(fh, 'rb') fh =, 'r') elev = np.fromfile(fh, dtype=np.dtype('>i2')) if elev.size == 12967201: elev.shape = (3601, 3601) elif elev.size == 1442401: elev.shape = (1201, 1201) else: raise ValueError( f'Shape of SRTM data ({elev.size}) is unexpected.') fname = Path(fname).name y_dir, y, x_dir, x = fname[0], int(fname[1:3]), fname[3], int(fname[4:7]) if y_dir == 'S': y *= -1 if x_dir == 'W': x *= -1 return elev[::-1, ...], ccrs.PlateCarree(), (x, x + 1, y, y + 1)
read_SRTM3 = read_SRTM read_SRTM1 = read_SRTM
[docs] class SRTMDownloader(Downloader): """ Provide a SRTM download mechanism. """ FORMAT_KEYS = ('config', 'resolution', 'x', 'y') _SRTM_BASE_URL = ('' 'SRTMGL{resolution}.003/2000.02.11/') _SRTM_LOOKUP_CACHE = Path(__file__).parent / 'srtm.npz' _SRTM_LOOKUP_MASK = np.load(_SRTM_LOOKUP_CACHE)['mask'] """ The SRTM lookup mask determines whether keys such as 'N43E043' are available to download. """ def __init__(self, target_path_template, pre_downloaded_path_template='', ): # adds some SRTM defaults to the __init__ of a Downloader # namely, the URL is determined on the fly using the # ``SRTMDownloader._SRTM_LOOKUP_MASK`` array Downloader.__init__(self, None, target_path_template, pre_downloaded_path_template)
[docs] def url(self, format_dict): warnings.warn('SRTM requires an account set up and log in to access. ' 'Use of this Downloader is likely to fail with HTTP 401 ' 'errors.') # override the url method, looking up the url from the # ``SRTMDownloader._SRTM_LOOKUP_MASK`` array lat = int(format_dict['y'][1:]) # Change to co-latitude. if format_dict['y'][0] == 'N': colat = 90 - lat else: colat = 90 + lat lon = int(format_dict['x'][1:4]) # Ensure positive. if format_dict['x'][0] == 'W': lon = 360 - lon if SRTMDownloader._SRTM_LOOKUP_MASK[lon, colat]: return (SRTMDownloader._SRTM_BASE_URL + '{y}{x}.SRTMGL{resolution}').format(**format_dict) else: return None
[docs] def acquire_resource(self, target_path, format_dict): from zipfile import ZipFile target_dir = Path(target_path).parent target_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) url = self.url(format_dict) srtm_online = self._urlopen(url) zfh = ZipFile(io.BytesIO(, 'r') zip_member_path = '{y}{x}.hgt'.format(**format_dict) member = zfh.getinfo(zip_member_path) with open(target_path, 'wb') as fh: fh.write( srtm_online.close() zfh.close() return target_path
@staticmethod def _create_srtm_mask(resolution, filename=None): """ Return a NumPy mask of available lat/lon. This is slow as it must query the SRTM server to identify the continent from which the tile comes. Hence a NumPy file with this content exists in ``SRTMDownloader._SRTM_LOOKUP_CACHE``. The NumPy file was created with:: import as srtm import numpy as np np.savez_compressed(srtm.SRTMDownloader._SRTM_LOOKUP_CACHE, mask=srtm.SRTMDownloader._create_srtm_mask(3)) """ # lazy imports. In most situations, these are not # dependencies of cartopy. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup if filename is None: from urllib.request import urlopen url = SRTMDownloader._SRTM_BASE_URL.format(resolution=resolution) with urlopen(url) as f: html = else: with open(filename) as f: html = mask = np.zeros((360, 181), dtype=bool) soup = BeautifulSoup(html) for link in soup('a'): name = str(link.text).strip() if name[0] in 'NS' and name.endswith(''): lat = int(name[1:3]) # Change to co-latitude. if name[0] == 'N': colat = 90 - lat else: colat = 90 + lat lon = int(name[4:7]) # Ensure positive. if name[3] == 'W': lon = 360 - lon mask[lon, colat] = True return mask
[docs] @classmethod def default_downloader(cls): """ Return a typical downloader for this class. In general, this static method is used to create the default configuration in cartopy.config """ default_spec = ('SRTM', 'SRTMGL{resolution}', '{y}{x}.hgt') target_path_template = str( Path('{config[data_dir]}').joinpath(*default_spec)) pre_path_template = str( Path('{config[pre_existing_data_dir]}').joinpath(*default_spec)) return cls(target_path_template=target_path_template, pre_downloaded_path_template=pre_path_template)
# add a generic SRTM downloader to the config 'downloaders' section. config['downloaders'].setdefault(('SRTM', 'SRTM3'), SRTMDownloader.default_downloader()) config['downloaders'].setdefault(('SRTM', 'SRTM1'), SRTMDownloader.default_downloader())