
class cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoSpine(axes, **kwargs)[source]#

Draw the Artist (and its children) using the given renderer.

This has no effect if the artist is not visible (Artist.get_visible returns False).


renderer (RendererBase subclass.) –


This method is overridden in the Artist subclasses.


Return the window extent of the spines in display space, including padding for ticks (but not their labels)

set(*, agg_filter=<UNSET>, alpha=<UNSET>, animated=<UNSET>, antialiased=<UNSET>, boundary=<UNSET>, bounds=<UNSET>, capstyle=<UNSET>, clip_box=<UNSET>, clip_on=<UNSET>, clip_path=<UNSET>, color=<UNSET>, edgecolor=<UNSET>, facecolor=<UNSET>, fill=<UNSET>, gid=<UNSET>, hatch=<UNSET>, in_layout=<UNSET>, joinstyle=<UNSET>, label=<UNSET>, linestyle=<UNSET>, linewidth=<UNSET>, patch_arc=<UNSET>, patch_circle=<UNSET>, path_effects=<UNSET>, picker=<UNSET>, position=<UNSET>, rasterized=<UNSET>, sketch_params=<UNSET>, snap=<UNSET>, transform=<UNSET>, url=<UNSET>, visible=<UNSET>, zorder=<UNSET>)#

Set multiple properties at once.

Supported properties are


agg_filter: a filter function, which takes a (m, n, 3) float array and a dpi value, and returns a (m, n, 3) array and two offsets from the bottom left corner of the image alpha: scalar or None animated: bool antialiased or aa: bool or None boundary: unknown bounds: (low: float, high: float) capstyle: CapStyle or {‘butt’, ‘projecting’, ‘round’} clip_box: Bbox clip_on: bool clip_path: Patch or (Path, Transform) or None color: color edgecolor or ec: color or None facecolor or fc: color or None figure: Figure fill: bool gid: str hatch: {‘/’, ‘\’, ‘|’, ‘-’, ‘+’, ‘x’, ‘o’, ‘O’, ‘.’, ‘*’} in_layout: bool joinstyle: JoinStyle or {‘miter’, ‘round’, ‘bevel’} label: object linestyle or ls: {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’, ‘’, (offset, on-off-seq), …} linewidth or lw: float or None patch_arc: unknown patch_circle: unknown path_effects: AbstractPathEffect picker: None or bool or float or callable position: unknown rasterized: bool sketch_params: (scale: float, length: float, randomness: float) snap: bool or None transform: Transform url: str visible: bool zorder: float


Set the position of the spine.

Spine position is specified by a 2 tuple of (position type, amount). The position types are:

  • ‘outward’: place the spine out from the data area by the specified number of points. (Negative values place the spine inwards.)

  • ‘axes’: place the spine at the specified Axes coordinate (0 to 1).

  • ‘data’: place the spine at the specified data coordinate.

Additionally, shorthand notations define a special positions:

  • ‘center’ -> (‘axes’, 0.5)

  • ‘zero’ -> (‘data’, 0.0)