Version 0.21 (September 9, 2022)#

Cartopy v0.21 is not compatible with Shapely 2.0, so this release has an upper pin on Shapely to avoid installing newer versions.

For a full list of included Pull Requests and closed Issues, please see the 0.21 milestone.


  • The requirement to install with a local PROJ installation has been removed. The previous C PROJ library calls have been replaced by pyproj. (PR #2069)

  • Many test improvements, including moving to pytest-mpl for image comparisons and parametrizing many tests where possible. (PR #1887, PR #1891, PR #1900)

  • The UTF8 degree symbol is now used for latitude and longitude labels. (PR #1885)

  • Clément fixed an issue that would ignore the alpha channel when reprojecting RGBA images. (PR #1906)

  • Filled features no longer set the edgecolor by default. The edgecolor can still be explicitly set when adding the feature ax.add_feature(LAND, edgecolor='k'). (PR #1933)

  • The approx keyword to TransverseMercator, OSGB, and OSNI projections now defaults to False. (PR #1957)

  • geoaxes.add_geometries() now accepts both a list of geometries and a single geometry. (PR #1999)

  • Better handling of non-ndarray inputs like xarray.DataArray. (PR #2050)

  • Alan Brammer added the ability to pass CRS’s for the text and xy coordinates used in ax.annotate(). (PR #2065)

  • Matthias Cuntz added a new convenience utility function :func:~cartopy.util.add_cyclic. This is an extension of :func:~cartopy.util.add_cyclic_point for 2-dimensional coordinates lat and lon. (:pull:1753)


  • Passing map_projection as a keyword when manually creating a GeoAxes object is deprecated, use projection instead.


The following functions and classes have been removed after being deprecated multiple versions prior. See the previous What’s New notes for replacements.

  • geoaxes.outline_patch()

  • geoaxes.background_patch()

  • geoaxes.natural_earth_shp()

  • The argument secant_latitudes to the LambertConformal projection.

  • img_tiles.StamenTerrain

  • srtm.SRTM3_retrieve, srtm.srtm, srtm.srtm_composite, and srtm.fill_gaps

  • clip_path.clip_path