class'RGB', style='street', url='{style}@177000000&hl=en&src=api&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=G', cache=False)[source]#
  • desired_tile_form (optional) – Defaults to ‘RGB’.

  • style (optional) – The style for the Google Maps tiles. One of ‘street’, ‘satellite’, ‘terrain’, and ‘only_streets’. Defaults to ‘street’.

  • url (optional) – URL pointing to a tile source and containing {x}, {y}, and {z}. Such as: '{z}/{y}/{x}.jpg'

find_images(target_domain, target_z, start_tile=(0, 0, 0))#

Target domain is a shapely polygon in native coordinates.

tile_bbox(x, y, z, y0_at_north_pole=True)#

Return the (x0, x1), (y0, y1) bounding box for the given x, y, z tile position.

  • x – The x tile coordinate in the Google tile numbering system.

  • y – The y tile coordinate in the Google tile numbering system.

  • z – The z tile coordinate in the Google tile numbering system.

  • y0_at_north_pole (optional) – Boolean representing whether the numbering of the y coordinate starts at the north pole (as is the convention for Google tiles) or not (in which case it will start at the south pole, as is the convention for TMS). Defaults to True.


Return extent tuple (x0,x1,y0,y1) in Mercator coordinates.