Cartopy projection list#
- class, globe=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.

- class, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, standard_parallels=(20.0, 50.0), globe=None)[source]#
An Albers Equal Area projection
This projection is conic and equal-area, and is commonly used for maps of the conterminous United States.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (optional) – The central latitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
standard_parallels (optional) – The one or two latitudes of correct scale. Defaults to (20, 50).
globe (optional) – A
. If omitted, a default globe is created.

- class, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, globe=None)[source]#
An Azimuthal Equidistant projection
This projection provides accurate angles about and distances through the central position. Other angles, distances, or areas may be distorted.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The true longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (optional) – The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (optional) – An instance of
. If omitted, a default globe is created.

- class, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, standard_parallels=(20.0, 50.0), globe=None)[source]#
An Equidistant Conic projection.
This projection is conic and equidistant, and the scale is true along all meridians and along one or two specified standard parallels.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (optional) – The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
standard_parallels (optional) – The one or two latitudes of correct scale. Defaults to (20, 50).
globe (optional) – A
. If omitted, a default globe is created.

- class, central_latitude=39.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, standard_parallels=(33, 45), globe=None, cutoff=-30)[source]#
A Lambert Conformal conic projection.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to -96.
central_latitude (optional) – The central latitude. Defaults to 39.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
standard_parallels (optional) – Standard parallel latitude(s). Defaults to (33, 45).
globe (optional) – A
. If omitted, a default globe is created.cutoff (optional) – Latitude of map cutoff. The map extends to infinity opposite the central pole so we must cut off the map drawing before then. A value of 0 will draw half the globe. Defaults to -30.

- class, globe=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.

- class, min_latitude=-80.0, max_latitude=84.0, globe=None, latitude_true_scale=None, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, scale_factor=None)[source]#
A Mercator projection.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
min_latitude (optional) – The maximum southerly extent of the projection. Defaults to -80 degrees.
max_latitude (optional) – The maximum northerly extent of the projection. Defaults to 84 degrees.
globe (A
, optional) – If omitted, a default globe is created.latitude_true_scale (optional) – The latitude where the scale is 1. Defaults to 0 degrees.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
scale_factor (optional) – Scale factor at natural origin. Defaults to unused.
Only one of
should be included.

- class, globe=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.

- class, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None)[source]#
A Mollweide projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, and equal area. Parallels are unequally-spaced straight lines, while meridians are elliptical arcs up to semicircles on the edges. Poles are points.
It is commonly used for world maps, or interrupted with several central meridians.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, scale_factor=1.0, azimuth=0.0, globe=None)[source]#
An Oblique Mercator projection.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The true longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (optional) – The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
scale_factor (optional) – Scale factor at the central meridian. Defaults to 1.
azimuth (optional) – Azimuth of centerline clockwise from north at the center point of the centre line. Defaults to 0.
globe (optional) – An instance of
. If omitted, a default globe is created.
The ‘Rotated Mercator’ projection can be achieved using Oblique Mercator with

- class, central_latitude=0.0, globe=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.

- class, globe=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None)[source]#
A Robinson projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, and a compromise that is neither equal-area nor conformal. Parallels are unequally-spaced straight lines, and meridians are curved lines of no particular form.
It is commonly used for “visually-appealing” world maps.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, globe=None)[source]#
A Sinusoidal projection.
This projection is equal-area.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (optional) – A
. If omitted, a default globe is created.

- class, central_longitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, true_scale_latitude=None, scale_factor=None, globe=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.

- class, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, scale_factor=1.0, globe=None, approx=False)[source]#
A Transverse Mercator projection.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The true longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (optional) – The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
scale_factor (optional) – Scale factor at the central meridian. Defaults to 1.
globe (optional) – An instance of
. If omitted, a default globe is created.approx (optional) – Whether to use Proj’s approximate projection (True), or the new Extended Transverse Mercator code (False). Defaults to True, but will change to False in the next release.

- class, southern_hemisphere=False, globe=None)[source]#
Universal Transverse Mercator projection.
- Parameters:
zone – The numeric zone of the UTM required.
southern_hemisphere (optional) – Set to True if the zone is in the southern hemisphere. Defaults to False.
globe (optional) – An instance of
. If omitted, a default globe is created.

- class, globe=None, emphasis='land')[source]#
Composite equal-area projection emphasizing either land or ocean features.
- Original Reference:
Goode, J. P., 1925: The Homolosine Projection: A new device for portraying the Earth’s surface entire. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 15:3, 119-125, DOI: 10.1080/00045602509356949
A central_longitude value of -160 is recommended for the oceanic view.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude, by default 0
globe (
, optional) – If omitted, a default Globe object is created, by default Noneemphasis (str, optional) – Options ‘land’ and ‘ocean’ are available, by default ‘land’

- class, pole_latitude=90.0, central_rotated_longitude=0.0, globe=None)[source]#
A rotated latitude/longitude projected coordinate system with cylindrical topology and projected distance.
Coordinates are measured in projection metres.
The class uses proj to perform an ob_tran operation, using the pole_longitude to set a lon_0 then performing two rotations based on pole_latitude and central_rotated_longitude. This is equivalent to setting the new pole to a location defined by the pole_latitude and pole_longitude values in the GeogCRS defined by globe, then rotating this new CRS about it’s pole using the central_rotated_longitude value.
- Parameters:
pole_longitude (optional) – Pole longitude position, in unrotated degrees. Defaults to 0.
pole_latitude (optional) – Pole latitude position, in unrotated degrees. Defaults to 0.
central_rotated_longitude (optional) – Longitude rotation about the new pole, in degrees. Defaults to 0.
globe (optional) – An optional
. Defaults to a “WGS84” datum.

- class[source]#
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The true longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (optional) – The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
scale_factor (optional) – Scale factor at the central meridian. Defaults to 1.
globe (optional) – An instance of
. If omitted, a default globe is created.approx (optional) – Whether to use Proj’s approximate projection (True), or the new Extended Transverse Mercator code (False). Defaults to True, but will change to False in the next release.

- class[source]#
Lambert zone II (extended) projection (, a legacy projection that covers hexagonal France and Corsica.
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.

- class[source]#
UTM Zone 32 projection for EuroPP domain.
Ellipsoid is International 1924, Datum is ED50.
- Parameters:
zone – The numeric zone of the UTM required.
southern_hemisphere (optional) – Set to True if the zone is in the southern hemisphere. Defaults to False.
globe (optional) – An instance of
. If omitted, a default globe is created.

- class, satellite_height=35785831, false_easting=0, false_northing=0, globe=None, sweep_axis='y')[source]#
A view appropriate for satellites in Geostationary Earth orbit.
Perspective view looking directly down from above a point on the equator.
In this projection, the projected coordinates are scanning angles measured from the satellite looking directly downward, multiplied by the height of the satellite.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
satellite_height (float, optional) – The height of the satellite. Defaults to 35785831 metres (true geostationary orbit).
false_easting – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) – If omitted, a default globe is created.sweep_axis ('x' or 'y', optional. Defaults to 'y'.) – Controls which axis is scanned first, and thus which angle is applied first. The default is appropriate for Meteosat, while ‘x’ should be used for GOES.

- class, central_latitude=0.0, satellite_height=35785831, false_easting=0, false_northing=0, globe=None)[source]#
Perspective view looking directly down from above a point on the globe.
In this projection, the projected coordinates are x and y measured from the origin of a plane tangent to the Earth directly below the perspective point (e.g. a satellite).
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (float, optional) – The central latitude. Defaults to 0.
satellite_height (float, optional) – The height of the satellite. Defaults to 35785831 meters (true geostationary orbit).
false_easting – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
An Eckert I projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, but not equal-area. Both meridians and parallels are straight lines. Its equal-area pair is
.- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
An Eckert II projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, and equal-area. Both meridians and parallels are straight lines. Its non-equal-area pair with equally-spaced parallels is
.- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
An Eckert III projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, but not equal-area. Parallels are equally-spaced straight lines, while meridians are elliptical arcs up to semicircles on the edges. Its equal-area pair is
.- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
An Eckert IV projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, and equal-area. Parallels are unequally-spaced straight lines, while meridians are elliptical arcs up to semicircles on the edges. Its non-equal-area pair with equally-spaced parallels is
.It is commonly used for world maps.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
An Eckert V projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, but not equal-area. Parallels are equally-spaced straight lines, while meridians are sinusoidal arcs. Its equal-area pair is
.- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
An Eckert VI projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, and equal-area. Parallels are unequally-spaced straight lines, while meridians are sinusoidal arcs. Its non-equal-area pair with equally-spaced parallels is
.It is commonly used for world maps.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
An Aitoff projection.
This projection is a modified azimuthal equidistant projection, balancing shape and scale distortion. There are no standard lines and only the central point is free of distortion.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
An Equal Earth projection.
This projection is pseudocylindrical, and equal area. Parallels are unequally-spaced straight lines, while meridians are equally-spaced arcs.
It is intended for world maps.
To use this projection, you must be using Proj 5.2.0 or newer.
Bojan Šavrič, Tom Patterson & Bernhard Jenny (2018) The Equal Earth map projection, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2018.1504949
- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) – If omitted, a default globe is created.

- class, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.

- class, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, globe=None)[source]#
A Hammer projection.
This projection is a modified
projection, similar toAitoff
, and intended to reduce distortion in the outer meridians compared toMollweide
. There are no standard lines and only the central point is free of distortion.- Parameters:
central_longitude (float, optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (float, optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (float, optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (
, optional) –If omitted, a default globe is created.
This projection does not handle elliptical globes.

- class, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, globe=None)[source]#
A Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection.
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The central longitude. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (optional) – The central latitude. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
globe (optional) – A
. If omitted, a default globe is created.

- class, true_scale_latitude=None, globe=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.

- class[source]#
- Parameters:
central_longitude (optional) – The true longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0.
central_latitude (optional) – The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.
false_easting (optional) – X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
false_northing (optional) – Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.
scale_factor (optional) – Scale factor at the central meridian. Defaults to 1.
globe (optional) – An instance of
. If omitted, a default globe is created.approx (optional) – Whether to use Proj’s approximate projection (True), or the new Extended Transverse Mercator code (False). Defaults to True, but will change to False in the next release.

- class, true_scale_latitude=None, globe=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
proj4_params (iterable of key-value pairs) – The proj4 parameters required to define the desired CRS. The parameters should not describe the desired elliptic model, instead create an appropriate Globe instance. The
parameters will override any parameters that the Globe defines.globe (
instance, optional) – If omitted, the default Globe instance will be created. SeeGlobe
for details.