Image and vector transformations#

There are several useful utility functions in cartopy to help transform and reshape data when going from one projection to another.

Image transformations#

Generic functionality to support Cartopy image transformations.

mesh_projection(projection, nx, ny[, ...])

Return sample points in the given projection which span the entire projection range evenly.

regrid(array, source_x_coords, ...[, ...])

Regrid the data array from the source projection to the target projection.

warp_array(array, target_proj[, ...])

Regrid the data array from the source projection to the target projection.

warp_img(fname, target_proj[, source_proj, ...])

Regrid the image file from the source projection to the target projection.

Vector transformations#

Generic functionality to support Cartopy vector transforms.

vector_scalar_to_grid(src_crs, target_proj, ...)

Transform and interpolate a vector field to a regular grid in the target projection.

Longitude wrapping#

Utilities that are useful in conjunction with cartopy.

add_cyclic_point(data[, coord, axis])

Add a cyclic point to an array and optionally a corresponding coordinate.

add_cyclic(data[, x, y, axis, cyclic, precision])

Add a cyclic point to an array and optionally corresponding x/longitude and y/latitude coordinates.

LinearRing/LineString projection#

Trace pulls together proj, GEOS and _crs.pyx to implement a function to project a LinearRing / LineString. In general, this should never be called manually, instead leaving the processing to be done by the subclasses.

project_linear(geometry, src_crs, ...)

Project a geometry from one projection to another.



